Actual research activities:
- investigation of the origin and residence time of drainage waters in copper mines, Foresudetic Monocline, SW Poland - collaboration with the Polish Copper Consortium (KGHM PM S.A.);
- leader and main performer of the scientific project concerning occurrence and distribution of REE in mineral and thermal waters in Poland;
- saline-fresh waters interaction in multi-aquifer hydrogeological systems in the area of Leningradski artesian basin, NW Russia - collaboration with the Faculty of Hydrogeology University of St. Petersburg and Russian Academy of Sciences;
- coordinator and main performer of the pilot research regarding the isotopic composition of sulfates variation in precipitation and groundwater of natural and urban areas;
1997 - attained Master of Science degree in the faculty of Geology in the field of Hydrogeology- Department of Geology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2004 - attained Doctoral degree in the faculty of Earth Sciences - Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Academic and Professional Experience
2017 - Short course of application of ANSDIMAT computer code, Institute of Geoecology Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
2014 -Internship: commercialization of innovative technologies, Pax Water Technologies, Richmond, California, USA
2014 -Top 500 Innovators Program - Entrepreneurship & Commercialization of Scientific Research, University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business, Berkeley, California, USA
2001 - Doctoral scholarship, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Halle, Germany (2 months)
2001 - Certification of the Ministry of Environment of Poland, concerning the hydrogeological license in category V according to Polish Geological and Mining Low;
1999 - Exchange scholar, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA (one sementer)
1996 - 1997, Junior Assistant, University of Warsaw, Department of Geology, Warsaw, Poland
1995 - 1997, Junior Geologist, POLGEOL S.A., Department of Cartography and Geological Recognition, Warsaw, Poland
Completed professional courses & trainings
- Isotope Methods in Environmental Studies. Gliwice Absolute Dating Methods Centre (GADAM Centre), Gliwice, Poland, 1 - 5 May, 2005
- Geothermal Exploration, Prospecting, Reservoir Engineering, Monitoring. Dokuz Eylul University, Geothermal Energy Research and Application Centre (GERAC), Izmir, Turkey, 28 May - 11 June, 2006. Scholarship granted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).
- Basis of Ionic Chromatography. Silesian University, Department of Earth Sciences, Katowice, Poland, 5-days, April 2008
- Application of Artificial Tracers and Environmental Isotopes in Groundwater Systems' Parameters Estimation, by prof. Piotr Maloszewski. Department of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5-days, May 2009,
- Application of Artificial Tracers in Estimation of Transport and Flow Parameters in Porous and Karst Media, by prof. Piotr Maloszewski. Department of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5-days, May 2010
- Lightening the Darkness: From Borehole Measurements to Earth Models. ICDP Scientific Training Drilling Course, KTB GeoCenter, Windischeschenbach, and GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 12 - 16 April, 2010
- Traceres Methods in Hydrology and Hydrogeology, by prof. Piotr Maloszewski. Department of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5-days, May 2011
Scientific Memberships
- Member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH); Secretary General of the Commission of Mineral and Thermal Waters of the IAH (IAH-CMTW) since 2009;
- Member of the International Geothermal Association (IGA);
- Member of the European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR);
- Member of the Polish Geothermal Society (PGS)
Selected Publications
- Romanova A., Porowski A., Zielski T., Dancewicz A. 2021 – Origin and evolution of chemical composition of mineral waters of Szczawno-Zdrój inferred from long-term variation of ionic-ratios, Sudetes Mts. (SW Poland). Environmental Earth Sciences (in press)
- Porowski A., Romanova A., Gebus-Czupyt B., Radzikowska M., Wach B. 2021 - Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of bottled waters in Poland: Characterization in the context of different market categories and implications for the origin authentication and natural isotopic quality preservation Journal of Geochemical Exploration 220: 106684
Vinograd N., Porowski A., 2020 - Application of isotopic and geochemical studies to explain the origin and formation of mineral waters of Staraya Russa Spa, NW Russia. Environmental Earth Sciences 79:183 [DOI: 10.1007/S12665-020-08923-6]
- Porowski A., 2019 - AgF desalination procedure for the routine determination of oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of saline waters and brines. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 55(1):41-55 [DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2018.1561449]
Porowski A., Rman N., Fórizs I., LaMoreaux J., 2019 - Introductory Editorial Thematic Issue: “Mineral and thermal waters”. Environmental Earth Sciences 78: 527 [DOI: 10.1007/s12665-019-8529-0]
Porowski A., Porowska D., Halas S., 2019 - Identification of Sulfate Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in an Aquifer Affected by Peatland: Insights from Monitoring the Isotopic Composition of Groundwater Sulfate in Kampinos National Park, Poland. Water 11(7): 1388 [DOI: 10.3390/w11071388]
Humnicki W., Szostakiewicz M., Porowski A., 2019 – Problemy określenia „wieku” wód podziemnych drenowanych przez źródła Pienińskie. (problems in „age” dating of groundwater drained by the Pieniny springs”). Biuletyn Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 475:59-66 [DOI: 10.7306/bpig.7]
Wysocka I., Porowski A., Rogowska A., Kaczor-Kurzawa D., 2018 - Pierwiastki ziem rzadkich (REE) w wodach powierzchniowych i podziemnych Polski na tle innych krajów Europy. [Rare earth elements (REE) in surface and ground waters of Poland in comparison to other European countries]. Przegląd Geologiczny 66(11): 692-705 [DOI: 10.7306/2018.12]
- Porowski A., Romanova A., Gebus-Czupyt B., Radzikowska M., 2018 - Skład izotopowy mineralnych i leczniczych wód butelkowanych polski: analiza porównawcza w świetle parametrów jakościowych i przyrodniczych. [Isotopic Composition of mineral and Therapeutic Bottled waters in poland: Comparative study in the Light of the Quality and the Environmental parameters ]. Acta Balneologica 4(154): 264-271
- Porowski A., 2018 - Krupoderov VS et al. (eds): Oldest hydrogeologists of the world: scientific and popular memories. Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 18 [DOI: 10.1007/s12665-017-7159-7]
Żaczek J., Porowski A., 2017 - Hydrogeological settings and origin of groundwater composition in the southern part of the Gorce Mts, Kowaniec Mały catchment. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 87(2): 183-197 [DOI: 10.14241/asgp.2017.008]
Porowski A., Oleksiewicz M, Becker R, Kaczorek T, Miller R., Włoch A., 2017 – No-purge, discreet technique of hydrogeological sampling of deep piezometers, boreholes and wells: field experience and evaluation. Hydrogeologia 1: 28-37
- Porowski A., Kaczor D., 2016 - The Rare Earth Elements (REE) in thermal waters: occurrence, origin, significance and perspectives for research in Poland. Exploration Technology, Geothermal Energy Sustainable Development 55 (257): 89-102
- Porowski A., Dowgiałło J., 2009 - Application of selected geothermometers to exploration of low-enthalpy thermal water: the Sudetic Geothermal Region in Poland. Environmental Geology 58 (8): 1629-1638
- Porowski A., Kowski P, 2008 - Determination of δ2H and δ18O in saline oil-associated waters: the question of simple vacuum distillation of water samples prior to isotopic analyses. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 44 (2): 227-238
- Porowski A., 2003 - Isotopic evidence of the origin of marginal oil-field waters within the Central Carpathian Synclinorium, SE Poland. Environmental Geology 46: 661-669
Book chaters / Book editor / Monographies
Porowski A., 2019 - Mineral and Thermal Waters. Chapter 3 In: LaMoreaux J. (eds) Environmental Geology. A Volume in the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Second Edition. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019. [DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8787-0_978]
Porowski A., 2014 – Isotope Hydrogeology. Chapter 17. In: Eslamian (ed) Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, vol I: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 346-377 p.
- Porowski A., 2014 – Chemical and isotopic characteristics of thermal waters in the Carpathian Region, South Poland: implication to the origin and resources. In: Balderer W., Porowski A., Idris H., LaMoreaux J. (eds) Thermal and Mineral Waters: Origin, Properties, Applications. Springer, 73-89
- Balderer W., Porowski A., Idris H., LaMoreaux J. (eds) 2014 – Thermal and Mineral Waters: Origin, Properties, Applications. Springer, 135 p.
- Porowski A., 2013 – Interaction between mineral and fresh waters. Chapter 8.3.1. In: Górecki W. (ed) Geothermal Atlas of Eastern Carpathians. Goldruk, 600 p.
- Porowski A., 2013 – Origin of deep waters in East Carpathians. Chapter 8.3.2. In: Górecki W. (ed) Geothermal Atlas of Eastern Carpathians. Goldruk, 600 p
- Porowski A., 2006 - Origin of mineralized waters in the Central Carpathian Synclinorium, SE Poland. Studia Geologica Polonica 125: 67p
Industrial collaboration / Expertise
- Porowski A., 2016 – Isotopic investigation of selected brines and saline drainage waters of KGHM PM S.A.28 p. [in Polish, unpublished; commercial-scientific project sponsored by KGHM PM S.A. – Polish Copper Consortium].
- Porowski A., 2014 – Isotopic investigation of drainage waters of geological massif of KGHM PM S.A.151 p. [in Polish, unpublished; commercial-scientific project sponsored by KGHM PM S.A.].
- Dowgiallo J., Porowski A., 2011 – Determination age of drainage waters of KGHM PM copper mines in relation to observed cone of depression and possibilities of drainage development. 107 p. [in Polish, unpublished; scientific expertise for KGHM Polish Copper Consortium].
- Porowski A., 2012 – Analysis of hydrogeological settings in Upper Silesian basin, concession areas. [in Polish only; expertise for Darley Energy Poland Sp. z o.o.]
- Porowski A., 2012 – Documentation of hydrogeological settings for concession areas of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and Skarżysko Kamienna. [in Polish Orly; expertise for Canadian International Oil Corporation].
- Porowski A., 2012– Documentationof hydrogeological settings for concession areas of Pszczyna and Rybnik. [in Polish only; expertise for Lane Energy Poland Sp. z o.o.]
- Krajewski S., Porowski A., 2009 – Detailed Hydrogeological Map 1:50000, sheet Świerże [main performer].
Patents / Industrial applications
- Porowski A., 2017 – Industrial Application Approved by KGHM PM S.A. (KGHM Polish Copper Consortium)
A set of the Isotopic methods for assessment the origin and the age ofdrainage waters in mines. - Porowski A., 2016 - Patent No. 223630 (Poland): Sposób odsalania wysoko zmineralizowanych roztworów wodnych do oznaczania stosunków izotopowych 18O/16O i 2H/1H w wodach podziemnych].