

Aktualizacja: 15 października 2024


  • Bartz, W., Chachlikowski, P., Kukuła, A., Matusiak-Małek, M., & Mazurek, H. (2024) Provenance studies of basaltic tools from the Polish Lowlands in the light of geochemical and mineralogical studies. Archaeometry,  66: 1– 29
  • Bezyk, Y., Górka, M., Kruszewski, Ł., Nęcki, J., Sówka, I., Jagoda, P., Widory, D. (2024) Detecting and sourcing GHGs and atmospheric gases in a municipal waste treatment plant using chemical and isotope compositions. Waste Management, 190, 382-937
  • Kisiel, M., Zagórski, Z., Kruszewski, Ł. (2024) An attempt to assess of the infl uence of the bedrockon the habitat-forming properties of forest soils formed on Lower Triassic sediments (Buntsandstein) in the north-western part of the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains. Soil Science Annual, 75(3), 193071


  • Budzyń, B., Wirth, R., Sláma, J., Kozub-Budzyń, G.A., Schreiber, A. (2023) Atomic-scale Th and U segregation into dislocation cores and U-Pb age discordance in xenotime. Lithos 444-445, 107105
  • Budzyń, B., Wirth, R., Sláma, J., Kozub-Budzyń, G.A., Konečny, P., Rzepa, G., Schreiber, A. (2023) Micro- to nanoscale constraints on metasomatic alterations of xenotime, inclusions of Th-, U- and Pb-phases and their geochronological implications (Ås pegmatite, Evje and Hornnes, S Norway). Chemical Geology 632, 121538 
  • Czechowski, L., Zalewska, N., Zambrowska, A., Ciazela, M., Witek, P., Kotlarz, J., 2023. The formation of cone chains in the Chryse Planitia region on Mars and the thermodynamic aspects of this process. Icarus 396, 115473
  • Ciążela, J., Bakala, J., Kowalinski, M., Pieterek, B., Steslicki, M., Ciążela, M., Pasławski, G., L. Sterczewski, Zalewska, N., Szaforz, Z., Jozefowicz, M., Marciniak, D., Fitt, M., Śniadkowski, A.,  Rataj, M., and Mrozek, T. (2023). Lunar ore geology and feasibility of ore mineral detection using a far-IR spectrometer. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 11, 1190825
  • Ciążela, M., Ciążela, J., Pieterek, B., 2023, Differential apparent thermal inertia of sloping terrain on Mars: Implications for the magmatic intrusions at Olympus Mons. Icarus 389: 115283.
  • Januszewska, A., Kruszewski, Ł., Siuda, R., 2023. Minerały wtórne z kopalni Breiner (Maramureş, Rumunia) jako przykład tworzącej się współcześnie mineralizaci wtórnej [Secondary minerals from the Breiner mine (Maramureş, Romania) as an example of recently formed secondary mineralization]. Przegląd Geologiczny, 71(4), 174-178.
  • Jaranowski, M., Budzyń, B., Barnes, C., Majka, J., Sláma, J., Kozub-Budzyń, G.A., Kośmińska, K. (2023) U-Pb and trace element zircon and apatite petrochronology of eclogites from the Scandinavian Caledonides. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178, 47
  • Jastrzębski, M., Żelaźniewicz, A., Stawikowski, W., Budzyń, B., Krzemińska, E., Machowiak, K., Madej, S., Białek, D., Sláma, J., Czupyt, Z., Jaźwa, A. (2023) The eastern part of the Saxothuringian Terrane characterized by zircon and monazite data from the Doboszowice Metamorphic Complex in the Sudetes (SW Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 93, 229–249. 
  • Kruszewski, Ł., Sláma, J., Deput, E., 2023. Unique trace element geochemistry of pyrometamorphic apatite-supergroup minerals: a case study of fluorellestadite from burnt coal (Poland) and shale (France) post-mining waste heaps, with emphasis on boron, germanium, aluminium and titanium. Geological Quarterly, 67(1): 7
  • Kruszewski, Ł., Kisiel, M., Wojewódka-Przybył, M., Stienss, J., 2023. Element transfer at the soil-plant interface and accumulation strategies of vegetation overgrowing waste dumps in the Upper Silesia area (Poland). Geological Quarterly, 67(3), 40
  • Kruszewski, Ł., Marciniak-Maliszewska, B., Kotowski, J., 2023. Sorption in ammonioalunite-ammoniojarosite solid solution: results for the 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12 and 13 group elements and LREEs. Geological Quarterly, 67(4), 46
  • Klęsk, J., Błachowski, A., Kruszewski, Ł., Michalska, D., Mrozek-Wysocka, M., Widera, M., 2023. Colours of the upper Neogene “Poznań Clays” in the light of sedimentological, mineralogical and nuclear methods. Geological Quarterly, 67(4), 49
  • Puziewicz, J., Aulbach, S., Kaczmarek, MA., Ntaflos, T., Gerdes, A., Mazurek, H., Kukuła, A., Matusiak-Małek, M., Tedonkenfack, S.S.T., Ziobro-Mikrut, M., 2023. The Origin and Evolution of DMM-like Lithospheric Mantle Beneath Continents: Mantle Xenoliths from the Oku Volcanic Group in the Cameroon Volcanic Line, West Africa. Journal of Petrology 64, 1–25
  • Narkiewicz K., Narkiewicz M., Wudarska A., 2023. Significance of conodont data for explaining geosystem perturbations during the Middle Devonian Kačák Episode. Marine Micropaleontology, 185, 102307.
  • Zwierzyński, A., Ciazela, J., Boroń, P., Binkowska, W., 2023. Lunar Cold Microtraps as Future Source of Raw Materials—Business and Technological Perspective. Applied Sciences 13, 13030


  • Budzyń, B., Wirth, R., Sláma, J., Kozub-Budzyń, G.A., Rzepa, G., Schreiber, A., 2022. A detailed and comprehensive TEM, EPMA and Raman characterization of high-metamorphic grade monazite and their U-Th-Pb systematics (the Góry Sowie Block, SW Poland). Chemical Geology 607, 121015.
  • Ciazela, J., Bakala, J., Kowalinski, M., Plocieniak, S., Zalewska, N., Pieterek, B., Mrozek, T., Ciazela, M., Pasławski, G., Steslicki, M., Szaforz, Z., Barylak, J., Kuzaj, M., Maturilli, A., Helbert, J., Muszynski, A., Rataj, M., Jozefowicz, M., Gburek, S., Marciniak, D., 2022. Concept and design of the Martian far‐IR ORE Spectrometer MIRORES. Remote Sensing 14, 2799.
  • Klęsk J., Błachowski A., Diduszko R., Kruszewski Ł., Widera M., 2022. Iron-bearing phases affecting the colour of upper Neogene clayey sediments from Dymaczewo Stare, west-central Poland. Geologos, 28 (2), 129-139
  • Kowal-Linka, M., Jastrzębski, M, Krzemińska, E. Czupyt, Z. 2022. The importance of parameter selection in studies of detrital zircon provenance: An example from Mesozoic deposits of the Bohemian Massif foreland (Poland). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 599, 111035.
  • Losiak A., Belcher C.M., Plado J., Jõeleht A., Herd C.D.K., Kofman R.S., Szokaluk M., Szczuciński W., Muszyński A., Wild E.M., Baker S.J., 2022. Small impact cratering processes produce distinctive charcoal assemblages. Geology 50 (11): 1276–1280
  • Okrasińska, A., Decewicz, P., Majchrowska, M., Dziewit, Ł., Muszewska, A., Dolatabadi, S., Kruszewski, Ł., Błocka, Z., Pawłowska, J., 2022.  Marginal lands and fungi - linking the type of soil contamination with fungal community composition. Environmental Microbiology, 37.
  • Osinski G., Grieve R.A.F., Ferrière L., Losiak A., Pickersgille A.E., Cavosie A.E., Hibbard S.M., Hill P.J.A., Bermudez J.J., Marion C.L., Newman J.D., Simpson S.L. 2022. Impact Earth: A Review of the Terrestrial Impact Record. Earth Earth-Science Reviews 232: 104112. 
  • Patkó, L., Kovács, C., Liptai, N., Aradi, L., Berkesi, M., Ciazela, J., Hidas, K., Garrido, C., Kovács, I., Szabó, C., 2022. Deciphering metasomatic events beneath Mindszentkálla (Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, western Pannonian Basin) revealed by single-lithology and composite upper mantle xenoliths. Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 998391.
  • Pieterek B., Laban M., Ciazela J., Muszyński A., 2022. Explosive volcanism in Noctis Fossae on Mars. Icarus, 375, 114851
  • Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Boulanger, M., Lazarov, M., Wegorzewski, A., Pańczyk, M., Strauss, H., Dick, H.J.B., Muszynski, A., Koepke, J., Kuhn, T., Czupyt, Z., France, L., 2022. Sulfide enrichment along igneous layer boundaries in the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 320, 179–206.
  • Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Lagain, A., Ciazela, M., 2022. Late Amazonian dike-fed distributed volcanism in the Tharsis volcanic province on Mars. Icarus 386, 115151.
  • Pisarzowska, A., Paszkowski, M., Kołtonik, K., Budzyń, B., Szczerba, M., Rakociński, M., Sláma, J., Zagórska, A., Łaptaś, A. (2022) Geotectonic settings of Variscan explosive volcanism in the light of Famennian tuffites provenance from southern Poland. Earth-Science Reviews
  • Plado J., Losiak A., Jõeleht A., Ormö J., Alexanderson H., Alwmark C., Wild E.M, Steier P., Awdankiewicz M., Belcher C., 2022. Discriminating between impact or nonimpact origin of small meteorite crater candidates: No evidence for an impact origin for the Tor crater, Sweden. Meteoritics and Planetary Science
  • Sałacińska, A., Gerdjikov, I., Kounov, A., Chew, D., Szopa, K., Gumsley, A., Kocjan, I., Marciniak-Maliszewska, B., Drakou, F., 2022. Variscan magmatic evolution of the Strandja Zone (Southeast Bulgaria and Northwest Turkey) and its relationship to other North Gondwanan margin terranes. Gondwana Research 109, 253–273.
  • Śliwiński, M., Jastrzębski, M., Sláma, J. 2022. Detrital zircon analysis of metasedimentary rocks of the Staré Město Belt, the Sudetes: implications for the provenance and evolution of the eastern margin of the Saxothuringian terrane, NE Bohemian Massif. Geological Quarterly, 66, 21.
  • Wojewódka-Przybył, M., Stienss, J., Kruszewski, Ł., 2022. Accumulation of elements in vegetation spontaneously developing on self-heating waste dumps in the Upper Silesia area (Poland). Geological Quarterly, 66, 29.
  • Wudarska A., Sordyl J., Manecki M., Zawiła A., Bajda T., 2022. Vibrational spectroscopic study of synthetic analogs of schultenite PbHAsO4–“phosphoschultenite” PbHPO4 solid solution series. Polyhedron,  211, 115534.
  • Wudarska A., Wiedenbeck M., Słaby E., Lempart-Drozd M., Harris C., Joachimski M.M., Lécuyer C., MacLeod K.G., Pack A., Vennemann T., Couffignal F., Feng D., Glodny J., Kusebauch C., Mayanna S., Rocholl A., Speir L., Sun Y., Wilke F.D.H., 2022.Inter-laboratory characterisation of apatite reference materials for oxygen isotope analysis and associated methodological considerations. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46, 277–306.


  • Budzyń B., Sláma J., Corfu F., Crowley J., Schmitz M., Williams M.L., Jercinovic M.J.,  Kozub-Budzyń G.A., Konečny P., Rzepa G., Włodek A., 2021. TS-Mnz – a new monazite age reference material for U-Th-Pb microanalysis. Chemical Geology, 572, 120195.

  • Budzyń B., Wirth R., Sláma J., Birski Ł., Tramm F., Kozub-Budzyń G.A., Rzepa G., Schreiber A., 2021. LA-ICPMS, TEM and Raman study of radiation damage, fluid-induced alteration and disturbance of U-Pb and Th-Pb ages in experimentally metasomatised monazite. Chemical Geology, 583, 120464.

  • Ciazela M., Ciazela J.,2021. Topoclimate Mapping Using Landsat ETM+ Thermal Data: Wolin Island, Poland. Remote Sensing, 13, 2712.

  • Ciazela M., Ciazela J., Pieterek B., 2021. High Resolution Apparent Thermal Inertia Mapping on Mars, Remote Sensing, 13, 3692.

  • Di Pietro I., Séjourné A., Costard F., Ciążela M., Palmero Rodriguez J.A., 2021. Evidence of mud volcanism due to the rapid compaction of martian tsunami deposits in southeastern Acidalia Planitia, Mars. Icarus, 354, 114096.

  • Jaranowski M., Budzyń B., Rzepa G., Sláma J., Sawłowicz Z., 2021. Geochemical constraints on the distribution of trace elements and volatiles in fluorapatite from the Panasqueira tin-tungsten deposit (Portugal). Geochemistry, 81, 125765.

  • Jastrzębski M., Budzyń B., Żelaźniewicz A., Konečný P., Sláma J., Kozub-Budzyń G.A., Skrzypek E., Jaźwa A., 2021. Eo-Variscan metamorphism in the Bohemian Massif: thermodynamic modeling and monazite geochronology of gneisses and granulites of the Góry Sowie Massif, SW Poland. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39, 751-779.
  • Jastrzębski M. Żelaźniewcz A. Slama J., Machowiak K., Śliwiński M., Jaźwa A, Kocjan I., 2021. Provenance of Precambrian basement of the Brunovistulian Terrane: new data from its Silesian part (Czech Republic, Poland), central Europe, and implications for Gondwana break-up. Precambrian Research, 355, 106108.

  • Kruszewski Ł., 2021. Burning Coal-Mining Heaps as an Organochemical Laboratory: Interesting Trace Compounds and Their Potential Sources. Chapter 3, in: Organic Compounds, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN: 978-93-87500-41-9, 38 pp.

  • Kruszewski Ł., 2021. Fossil Fuel Fires: A Forgotten Factor of Air Quality. In: Air Quality. IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.96294.

  • Kruszewski Ł., Kisiel M., Cegiełka M., 2021. Soil development in the coal fire environment: a case of Upper Silesian waste heaps. Geological Quarterly, 65, 24.

  • Kruszewski Ł., Palchik V., Vapnik Y., Nowak K., Banasik K., Galuskina I., 2021. Mineralogical, Geochemical, and Rock Mechanic Characteristics of Zeolite-Bearing Rocks of the Hatrurim Basin, Israel. Minerals, 11, 1062.

  • Lalla E.A., Konstantinidis M., Czakler C., Garnitschnig S., Hickson D., Such P., Łosiak  A., Ercoli M., Frigeri A., Hofmann A., Lucic T., Seikora N., Suchantke I., Gruber S., Groemer G., 2021. Remote science activities during the AMADEE-18 Mars analog mission: Preparation and execution during a simulated planetary surface mission. Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 8, 75-85.

  • Lewińska-Preis L., Szram E., Fabiańska M.J., Nádudvari Á., Misz-Kennan M., Abramowicz A., Kruszewski Ł., Kita A., 2021. Selected ions and major and trace elements as contaminants in coal-waste dump water from the Lower and Upper Silesian Coal Basins (Poland). International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 8, 790-814.

  • Mederski S., Kruszewski Ł., Pršek J., 2021. Epithermal Cu mineralization in the Stary Lesieniec rhyodacite quarry, Lower Silesia: primary and secondary mineral paragenesis. Geological Quarterly, 65, 43.

  • Miśta-Jakubowska E.A., Kruszewski Ł., Przeździecki M., Paczkowski M., Marynowski L., Gójska A.M., Wilczopolska M., Diduszko R., Pyżewicz K., Kosiński T., Trela T., Szubski M., 2021. Thermal transformation of chalcedonite artefacts from the Magdalenian site of Ćmielów 95 ”Mały Gawroniec” (Poland). Archaeometry, 64, 300-316.

  • Paszkowski M., Budzyń B., Mazur S., Sláma J., Środoń J., Millar I.L., Shumlyanskyy L., Kędzior A., Liivamägi S., 2021. Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf constraints on provenance and timing of deposition of the Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian sedimentary cover of the East European Craton, part II: Ukraine. Precambrian Research, 362, 106282.

  • Patkó L., Ciazela J., Aradi L.E., Liptai N., Pieterek B., Berkesi M., Lazarov M., Kovács I.J., Holtz F., Szabó C., 2021. Iron isotope and trace metal variations during mantle metasomatism: In situ study on sulfide minerals from peridotite xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin). Lithos, 396-397, 106238.

  • Sałacińska A., Gerdjikov I., Gumsley A., Szopa K., Chew D., Gawęda A., Kocjan I., 2021. Two stages of Late Carboniferous to Triassic magmatism in the Strandja Zone of Bulgaria and Turkey. Geological Magazine, 158, 2151–2164.

  • Słaby E., Anczkiewicz R., Gros, K., Simon K., Kozub-Budzyń G.A., Birski Ł., Martin H., Jayananda M., Moyen J-F., Matyszczak M., Koziarska M., Deput, E. 2021. High-temperature fluids in granites during the Neoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic transition: Insight from Closepet titanite chemistry and U-Pb dating (Dharwar craton, India). Lithos, 386-387, 106039.

  • Tedonkenfack S.S.T., Puziewicz J., Aulbach S., Ntaflos T., Kaczmarek M.-A., Matusiak-Małek M., Kukuła A., Ziobro M., 2021. Lithospheric mantle refertilization by DMM-derived melts beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line – a case study of the Befang xenolith suite (Oku Volcanic Group, Cameroon). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176, 37.
  • Tramm F., Wirth R., Budzyń B., Sláma J., Schreiber A. 2021. LA-ICP-MS and TEM constraints on the magmatic and post-magmatic processes recorded by the zircon-xenotime intergrowth in pegmatite (Piława Górna, Góry Sowie Block, SW Poland). Lithos, 404-405, 106480.
  • Wudarska A., Słaby E., Wiedenbeck M., Barnes J.D., Bonifacie M., Sturchio N.C., Bardoux G., Couffignal F., Glodny J., Heraty L., John T., Kusebauch C., Mayanna S., Wilke F.D.H, Deput E., 2021. Inter-laboratory characterisation of apatite reference materials for chlorine isotope analysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45, 121-142.
  • Zhu RZ., Słaby E., Lai SC., Chen LH, Qin J., Zhang C., Zhao S., Zhang F., Liu WH, Fowler M., 2021. High-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic intrusions in SE Tibet: implications for metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath an active continental margin. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176,85.
  • Żelaźniewicz A., Jastrzębski M., 2021. Evolution of Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic basement in the Brunovistulia terrane, S Poland: geological, P-T and geochemical records. Geological Quarterly, 65, 20.


  • Budzyń B., Birski Ł., Wirth R., Schreiber A., 2020. Nanoscale constraints on a fluid-induced transformation of monazite during postmagmatic alteration – A case of the Jawornik granitoid (NE Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, Sudetes, SW Poland). Lithos, 376–377, 105777, 1–12.
  • Dunkley D.J., Kusiak M.K., Wilde S., Whitehouse M., Sałacińska A., Kielman R., Konečný P., 2020. Two Neoarchean tectonothermal events on the western edge of the North Atlantic Craton, as revealed by SIMS dating of the Saglek Block, Nain Province, Labrador. Journal of the Geological Society, 177, 31-49.
  • Gros K., Słaby E., Jokubauskas P., Slama J., Kozub-Budzyń G., 2020. Allanite geochemical response to hydrothermal alteration by alkaline, low-temperature fluids. Minerals, 10, 392.
  • Gros K., Słaby E., Birski Ł., Kozub-Budzyń G., Slama J., 2020. Geochemical evolution of a composite pluton: insight from major and trace element chemistry of titanite. Mineralogy and Petrology, 114,  375-401.
  • Gumsley A., Stamsnijder J., Larsson E., Söderlund U., Naeraa T., de Kock M., Sałacińska A., Gawęda A., Humbert F., Ernst R., 2020. Neoarchean large igneous provinces on the Kaapvaal Craton in southern Africa re-define the formation of the Ventersdorp Supergroup and its temporal equivalents. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 177, 31-49.
  • Jastrzębski J., Żelaźniewicz A., Budzyń B., Sláma J., Konečny P., 2020. Age constraints on the Pre-Variscan and Variscan thermal events in the Kamieniec Ząbkowicki Metamorphic belt (the Fore-Sudetic Block, SW Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 90, 27–49.
  • Kędzior A., Budzyń B., Popa M., Siwecki T., 2020. Monazite U-Th-total Pb age constraints on an early Permian volcanic event in the South Carpathians, Romania. Geologica Carpathica, 71, 73–82.
  • Kruszewski Ł., Ciesielczuk J., 2020. The Behaviour of Siderite Rocks in an Experimental Imitation of Pyrometamorphic Processes in Coal-Waste Fires: Upper and Lower Silesian Case, Poland. Minerals, 10, 586.
  • Kruszewski Ł., Świerk M., Siuda R., Szełęg E., Marciniak-Maliszewska B., 2020. Third Worldwide Occurrence of Juangodoyite, Na2Cu(CO3)2, and Other Secondary Na, Cu, Mg, and Ca Minerals in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (Lower Silesia, SW Poland). Minerals, 10, 190, 24.
  • Kruszewski Ł., Fabiańska M.J., Segit T., Kusy D., Motyliński R., Ciesielczuk J., Deput E.,2020. Carbon-nitrogen compounds, alcohols, mercaptans, monoterpenes, acetates, aldehydes, ketones, SF6, PH3, and other fire gases in coal-mining waste heaps of Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland) – a re-investigation by means of in situ FTIR external database approach. Science of The Total Environment, 698, 134274
  • Losiak A., Jõeleht A., Plado J., Szyszka M., Kirsimäe K., Wild E. M., Steier P., Jaźwa A.M., Helde R., 2020. Determining the age and possibility for an extraterrestrial impact formation mechanism of the Ilumetsa structures (Estonia). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 55, 274-293.
  • Miśta-Jakubowska E., Kruszewski Ł., 2020. Analizy fizykochemiczne wybranych zabytków magdaleńskich; rodział 17, In: Przeździecki, M., Migal, W., 2020. Na granicy światów. Obozowisko kultury magdaleńskiej w Ćmielowie, woj. świętokrzyskie. Wydawnictwo: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 381-402. [in Polish, with fragments in English]
  • Pawlikowski M., Jaranowski M., Papiernik P.,  2020. Study on boulders of megalith 3 at the Wietrzychowice site (Central Poland). Acta Geographica Lodziensia, 110, 137-147.
  • Puziewicz J., Matusiak-Małek M., Ntaflos T., Gregorie M., Kaczmarczek M-A., Aulbach S., Ziobro M., Kukuła A., 2020. Three major types of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Variscan orogen in Europe. Lithos, 362-363, 105467.
  • Słaby E., Gros K., Förster H.-J., Wudarska A., Birski Ł., Hamada M., Götze J., Martin H., Jayananda M., Moyen J.-F., Moszumańska I., 2020. Mineral-fluid interactions in the late Archaean Closepet granite batholith, Dharwar craton, southern India. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 489, 293-314.
  • Szopa K., Sałacińska A., Gumsley A.P., Chew D., Petrov P., Gawęda A., Zagórska A., Deput E., Gospodinov N., Banasik K., 2020. Two-Stage Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Hydrothermal Activity in the Sakar Unit of Southeastern Bulgaria. Minerals, 10, 266.
  • Wudarska A., Słaby E., Wiedenbeck M., Birski Ł., Wirth R., Götze J., Lepland A., Kusebauch C., Kocjan I., 2020. Chlorine isotope composition of apatite from the >3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal belt, SW Greenland. Minerals, 10, 27.


  • Birski Ł., Słaby E., Chatzitheodoridis E., Wirth R., Majzner K., Kozub-Budzyń G.A., Sláma J., Liszewska K., Kocjan I., Zagórska A.,  2019. Apatite from NWA 10153 and NWA 10645—The Key to Deciphering Magmatic and Fluid Evolution History in Nakhlites. Minerals, 9, 695.
  • Birski Ł., Słaby E., Wirth R., Koch-Müller M., Simon K., Wudarska A., Götze J., Lepland A., Hofmann A., Kuras A., 2019. Archaean phosphates: a case study of transformation processes in apatite from the Barberton greenstone belt. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 174, 25.
  • Budzyń B., Sláma J., 2019. Partial resetting of U-Pb ages during experimental fluid-induced re-equilibration of xenotime. Lithos 346–347, 105163, 1–16.
  • Jastrzębski M., Budzyń B., Stawikowski W., 2019. Cambro-Ordovician vs. Devono-Carboniferous geodynamic evolution of the Bohemian Massif: evidence from P-T-t studies in the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, SW Poland. Geological Magazine, 156, 447–470.
  • Kołtonik K., Isaacson P., Pisarzowska A., Paszkowski M., Augustsson C., Szczerba M., Sláma J., Budzyń B., Stachacz M., Krawczyński W., 2019. Provenance of Upper Paleozoic siliciclastics rocks from two high-latitude glacially influenced intervals in Bolivia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 92, 12–31.
  • Kruszewski Ł. 2019. Secondary sulphate minerals from Bhanine Valley coals (South Lebanon) – a crystallochemical and geochemical study. Geological Quarterly, 63, 23.
  • Orgel C., Hauber E., van Gasselt S., Reiss D., Johnsson A., Ramsdale J., Smith I., Swirad Z., Séjourné A., Balme M., Conway S., Costard F., Eke V., Gallagher C., Kereszturi A., Losiak A., Massey R., Platz T., Skinner, Jr. J., Teodoro L.F., Wilson J., 2019. Gridmapping the Northern Plains of Mars: A New Overview of Recent Water- and Ice-Related Landforms in Acidalia Planitia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124, 454-482.

  • Paszkowski M., Budzyń B., Mazur S., Sláma J., Shumlyanskyy L., Środoń J., Dhuime B., Kędzior A., Liivamägi S., Pisarzowska A., 2019. Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf constraints on provenance and timing of deposition of the Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian sedimentary cover of the East European Craton, Belarus. Precambrian Research 331, 105352, 1–19.
  • Ramsdale J., Balme M., Gallagher C., Conway S., Smith I., Hauber E., Orgel C., Séjourné A., Costard F., Eke V., van Gasselt S., Johnsson A., Kereszturi A., Losiak A., Massey R., Platz T., Reiss D., Swirad Z., Teodoro L.F., Wilson J., 2019. Grid Mapping the Northern Plains of Mars: Geomorphological, Radar, and Water‐Equivalent Hydrogen Results From Arcadia Plantia. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, 124, 504-527.

  • Rickman H., Błęcka M.I., Gurgurewicz J., Jorgensen U.G., Słaby E., Szutowicz S. Zalewska N., 2019. Water in the history of Mars: An Assessment. Planetary and Space Science, 166, 70-89.
  • Sałacińska, A., Kusiak, MA., Whitehouse, MJ., Dunkley, DJ., Wilde, S.A., Kielman, R., Król, P., 2019. Gneiss-forming events in the Saglek Block, Labrador; a reappraisal of the Uivak gneiss, International Journal of Earth Sciences. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108, 753–778.
  • Séjourne A., Costard F., Swirad Z., Losiak A., Bouley S., Smith I., Balme M., Orgel C., Jason Ramsdale, Hauber E., Conway S., van Gasselt S., Reiss D., Johnsson A., Gallagher C., Skinner J. Jr., Kereszturi A., Platz T., 2019. Grid-mapping the northern plains of Mars: using morphotype and distribution of ice-related landforms to understand multiple ice-rich deposits in Utopia Planitia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124, 483-503.


  • Birski Ł., Słaby E., Domańska-Siuda J., 2018. Origin and evolution of volatiles in the Central Europe late Variscan granitoids, using the example of the Strzegom-Sobotka Massif, SW Poland. Mineralogy and Petrology, 113, 119-134.
  • Birski Ł., Wirth R., Słaby E., Wudarska A., Lepland A., Hofmann A., Schreiber A., 2018. (Ca-Y)-phosphate inclusions in apatite crystals from Archean rocks from the Barberton Greenstone Belt and Pilbara Craton: First report of natural occurrence. American Mineralogist, 103, 307–313.
  • Budzyń B., Sláma J., Kozub-Budzyń G.A., Konečný P., Holický I., Rzepa G., Jastrzębski M., 2018. Constraints on the timing of multiple thermal events and re-equilibration recorded by high-U zircon and xenotime: case study of pegmatite from Piława Górna (Góry Sowie Block, SW Poland). Lithos, 310–311, 65–85
  • Fabiańska M., Ciesielczuk J., Nádudvári Á., Misz-Kennan M., Kowalski A., Kruszewski Ł., 2018. Environmental influence of gaseous emissions from self-heating coal waste dumps in Silesia, Poland. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-27.
  • Jastrzębski M., Machowiak K., Krzemińska E., Farmer G.L., Larionov A.N., Murtezi M., Majka J., Sergeev S., Ripley E.M., Whitehouse M., 2018. Geochronology, petrogenesis and geodynamic significance of the Visean igneous rocks in the Central Sudetes, northeastern Bohemian Massif. Lithos, 316-317, 385-405.
  • Kruszewski Ł., Fabiańska M.J., Ciesielczuk J., Segit T., Orłowski R., Motyliński R., Kusy D., Moszumańska I., 2018. First multi-tool exploration of a gas-condensate-pyrolysate system from the environment of burning coal mine heaps: An in situ FTIR and laboratory GC and PXRD study based on Upper Silesian materials. Science of the Total Environment, 640-641, 1044-1071
  • Kruszewski Ł., Dec M., 2018. Plumbogummite group minerals in Lower Devonian placoderm sandstones from Podłazie Hill, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Geological Quarterly, 62, 353-360.
  • Kusiak M.A., Dunkley D.J., Whitehouse M.J., Wilde S.A., Sałacińska A., Konecny P., Szopa K., Gawęda A., Chew D., 2018. Peak to post-peak thermal history of the Saglek Block of Labrador: a multiphase and multi-instrumental approach to geochronology. Chemical Geology, 484, 210-223.
  • Pierwoła J., Ciesielczuk J., Misz-Kennan M., Fabiańska M.J., Bielińska A., Kruszewski Ł., 2018. Structure and thermal history of the Wełnowiec dump, Poland: A municipal dump rehabilitated with coal waste. International Journal of Coal Geology, 197, 1-19.
  • Sałacińska A., Kusiak M.A., Whitehouse M.J., Dunkley D.J., Wilde S.A., Kielman R., 2018. Complexity of the early Archean Uivak Gneiss: insights from Tigigakyuk Inlet, Saglek Block, Labrador, Canada and possible correlations with south West Greenland. Precambrian Research, 315, 103-119.
  • Wudarska, A., Wiedenbeck, M., Słaby, E., Lepland, A., Birski, Ł., Simon, K., 2018. Halogen Chemistry and Hydrogen Isotopes of Apatite from the >3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland. Precambrian Research, 310, 153–164.


  • Budzyń B., Harlov D.E., Kozub-Budzyń, G.A., Majka J., 2017. Experimental constraints on the relative stabilities of the two systems monazite-(Ce) – allanite-(Ce) – fluorapatite and xenotime-(Y) – (Y,HREE)-rich epidote – (Y,HREE)-rich fluorapatite, in high Ca and Na-Ca environments under P-T conditions of 200–1000 MPa and 450–750 °C. Mineralogy and Petrology 111, 2, 183–217.
  • Ramsdale J.D, Balme M.R., Conway S.J., Gallagher C., van Gasseltf S.A., Hauber E., Orgel C., Séjourne A., Skinner J.A., Costard F., Johnsson A., Losiak A., Reiss D., Swirad Z.M., Kereszturi A., Smith I., Platz T., 2017. Grid-based mapping: A method for rapidly determining the spatial distributions of small features over very large areas. Planetary and Space Science ,140, 49-61.

  • Siuda R., Łodziński M., Syczewski M., Kruszewski Ł., Pršek J., Hoffmann P., 2017. Pierwsze wystąpienie batallackitu w Polsce (kopalnia Polkowice-Sieroszowice). Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 469, 217-227.
  • Słaby E., Karwowski L., Majzner K, Wirth R., Muszyński A., Birski L., Simon K., Domonik A., Moszumańska I., Orlowski R., 2017. Geochemistry and growth morphology of alkali feldspar crystals from an IAB iron meteorite – insight into possible hypotheses of their crystallization. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 87, 121-140.
  • Słaby E., De Campos C., Majzner K., Simon K., Gros K., Moszumańska I., Jakubauskas P., 2017. Feldspar megacrysts from the Santa Angélica composite pluton — Formation/transformation path revealed by combined CL, Raman and LA-ICP-MS data. Lithos, 277, 269-283.

  • Słaby E., Förster H.J., Wirth R., Wudarska A., Birski Ł., Moszumańska I., 2017. Validity of the apatite/merrillite relationship in evaluating the water content in the Martian mantle: implications from shergottite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2975. Geosciences, 7, 99.


  • Budzyń B., Jastrzębski M., 2016. Monazite stability and the maintenance of Th-U-total Pb ages during post-magmatic processes in granitoids and host metasedimentary rocks: a case study from the Sudetes (SW Poland). Geological Quarterly, 60, 106–123.
  • Czechowski L., Losiak A., 2016. Early thermal history of Rhea: the role of serpentinization and liquid state convection. Acta Geophysica, 64, 2677–2716.

  • Fabiańska M.J., Ciesielczuk J., Misz-Kennan M., Kruszewski Ł., Kowalski Ł., 2016. Preservation of coal-waste geochemical markers in vegetation andsoil on self-heating coal-waste dumps in Silesia, Poland. Geochemistry, 76, 211-226.
  • Giera A., Manecki M., Bajda T., Rakovan J., Kwaśniak-Kominek M., Marchlewski T., 2016. Arsenate substitution in lead hydroxyl apatites: A Raman spectroscopic study. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 152, 370–377.
  • Groemer G., Losiak A., Soucek A., Plank C., Zanardini L., Sejkora N., Sams S., 2016. The AMADEE-15 Mars Simulation. Acta Astronautica, 129, 277–290.
  • Jastrzębski M., Budzyń B., Stawikowski W., 2016. Structural, metamorphic and geochronological record in the Goszów quartzites of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (SW Poland): implications for the polyphase Variscan tectonometamorphism of the Saxothuringian Terrane. Geological Journal, 51, 455–479.
  • Konon A., Nadimi A., Koprianiuk M., Wysocka A., Szaniawski R., Wyglądała M., Słaby E., Beygi S., Barski M., 2016. Formation of intracontinental basins in the opposite corners of the Tabas block as coeval structures controlled by transpressional faulting, Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 128, 1593-1617.
  • Losiak A., Golebiowska I., Wojciechowski J., Ferrière L., Huber M., Koeberl C., 2016. A Web-based program for Indexing Planar features in quartz grains and its usage. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51, 647–662.

  • Losiak A., Wild E.M., Geppert W.D., Huber M.S., Jõeleht A., Kriiska A., Kulkov A., Paavel K., Pirkovic I., Plado J., Steier P., Välja R., Wilk J., Wisniowski T., Zanetti M., 2016. Dating a small impact crater: An age of Kaali crater (Estonia) based on charcoal emplaced within proximal ejecta. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51, 681–695.
  • Słaby E., Koch-Mueller M., Foerster H-J., Wirth R., Rhede D., Schreiber A., Schade U., 2016. Determination of volatile concentrations in fluorapatite of Martian shergottite NWA 2975 by combining synchrotron FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, EMPA, and TEM, and inferences on the volatile budget of the apatite host-magma. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 51, 390-406.