dr Adam Porowski - okres realizacji grantu NCN 30.08.2016-29.12.2020
UMO-2015/17/B/ST10/03295, konsorcjum ING PAN i PIG PIB


Badanie zawartości i rozkładu pierwiastków ziem rzadkich (REE) w wodach mineralnych i termalnych Polski


Investigation of the REE abundance and distribution in thermal and mineral waters of Poland  (THERMREE).


The Rare Earth Elements (REE) or rare earth metals are commonly defined as a group of fifteen elements comprising the lanthanides series in the periodic table.

The present project is the first in Poland which directly deals with the determination, analyses and application of the REE in mineral and thermal waters that are encountered in various hydrogeological systems. The main purpose of this project is (I) to determine the distribution and systematic changes of the REE concentration in thermal and mineral waters of Poland, and (II) application of the REE fractionation in water-rock system as a geochemical probe to study various biogeochemical and minero-chemical processes occurring in aquifers, groundwater reservoirs, or along groundwater circulation paths.


Fig. 1. REE-patterns in mineral and thermal waters in Lądek Zdrój and metamorphic rocks constituting ground water-bearing horizon