Principal research interests
Clay Mineralogy, Clay Diagenesis
Instytut Nauk Geologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Ośrodek Badawczy w Krakowie
ul. Senacka 1, 31-002 Kraków, Poland
Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Research Centre in Cracow
Position: Professor
phone (+48) 12 422 19 10; fax (+48) 12 422 16 09
(+48) 12 3705 234
Academic degrees
1970 - M.Sc. in Geology
Academy of Mining and Metallurgy (Kraków)
1975 - Ph.D.
Academy of Mining and Metallurgy (Kraków)
1986 - Habilitation
Academy of Mining and Metallurgy (Kraków)
1994 - title of Professor
Professional career
1970 - 1971 - Institute of Environmental Protection,
Academy of Mining and Metallurgy
- Researcher
1972 to present - Research Centre in Kraków of the Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Researcher
1992-1995 - Head of the Research Centre in Kraków
2001-2004 - Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Science
2008-2017 - Head of the Research Centre in Kraków
Research publications
Publications 1972 - 2014 >> PDF file
Fields of research activities
Worked on the petrology of tuffs, tonsteins and bentonites, clay diagenesis, mineralogy of illite-smectite, hydrothermal synthesis of clays, XRD techniques of clay identification and quantification of mineral composition of rocks, TEM and HRTEM techniques of clay particle shape analysis, K-Ar dating of diagenetic events and methodology of K-Ar dating of clays, XRD techniques of measuring crystal thickness and crystal thickness distribution of clay minerals, interpretation of crystal growth mechanisms from shapes of crystal size distributions, quantitative mineral analysis by FTIR, charge density and total surface area of smectites, evaluation of rock porosity by TGA, evaluation of petrophysical parameters of rocks from their mineral composition, interpretation of mineral composition of rocks from geophysical log data.
Research experience
1975 - 1976: Postdoctoral Fulbright Fellowship at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio) in the lab of late Dr. John Hower
1983 - 1985: Visiting scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey (Denver, Colorado) and visiting professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder
1988 - 1995: 8 months of research in electron microscopy of clays at the Macaulay Institute (Aberdeen, UK) and INRA (Versailles, France)
1990 - 1991: Visiting scientist (poste rose) at Centre de Geochimie de la Surface CNRS in Strasbourg
1993 - 1997: 8 months of research as visiting scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey (Boulder, Colorado)
1996-1999: 12 months of research at the Universite Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg as PAST professor
1999-2005: 18 months of research at the ChevronTexaco laboratories in Houston, Texas, USA.
Teaching experience
1976 - graduate course on clay petrology at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
1983 - short course on clay mineralogy at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
1984 - short course on illite (with D.D. Eberl) at the annual meeting of the Mineralogical Society of America in Reno, Nevada and on clay diagenesis at the Clayschool, University of Colorado, Denver.
1999 - short course on clay mineralogy at the Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg.
2002-2003 - short courses on the use of clays in reconstructing geological processes at the Jagellonian University, and the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków.
1993/94 and 1996/1997 - directing two Master theses at the Jagellonian University, Kraków.
1996 - 2011 - directing six PhD theses at the Institute of Geological Sciences PAN in Kraków and co-directing two theses abroad (Leuven and Ankara).
Other scientific activities
1986 - 1991 and 1996-1999: associate editor of Clays and Clay Minerals (USA)
1992-1997: editorial board of Geologica Carpathica-Clays (Slovakia)
since 1992: editorial board of Clay Minerals (Europe).
Clay Minerals Society, USA (Jackson Award, 1993; the head of the East European Liaison Committee 1993-97, member of the CMS Council 1997-99)
Czech and Slovak Clay Groups (honorary member since 1996)
European Clay Groups Association (representative of the Polish Group 1999-2001, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of EUROCLAY 1999 in Kraków, President of ECGA 2003-2007)
Polish Geological Society
Polish Mineralogical Society (Chairman of the Polish Clay Group 1999-2001)
Polish Society for the Advancement of Sciences
Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (vicepresident etranger 1992).
1970 Polish Ministry of Education 1st prize for Master thesis in geology and mining
1978 Domeyko Award of Polish Mineralogical Society for PhD thesis (best mineralogical paper in Polish journals 1976-78)
1992 Teisseyre Award (yearly award of the Earth Sciences Dept. of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
1992 Jackson Mid-Career Clay Scientist Award of the Clay Minerals Society
2003 Urlich-Hofmann Award of the European Clay Groups Association.