Adam Porowski, Dr. Licensed Hydrogeologist, Researcher

Instytut Nauk Geologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk 
Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
Ośrodek Badawczy w Warszawie - Research Centre in Warsaw
Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, POLAND 

Position: Research Specialist 

phone (+48) 22 6978-756

His research is focused mainly on the origin of various types of waters encountered in geological environment (especially deep circulating ones, drainage waters in mines, highly mineralized, thermal and oil-associated), groundwater dating, water-rock interaction, exploration and utilization of geothermal resources, development and improvement the techniques of determination of isotopic composition of water and selected compounds dissolved in water.
Dr Porowski was involved in two scientific grants awarded by the National Committee for Scientific Research (2000- 2003, 2004-2006). He is leading the scientific grant sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2009-2012): Experimental development of new method of brine desalination to precise determination of 2H/1H and 18O/16O isotopic composition of high salinity waters.

Actual research activities:

  • investigation of the origin and residence time of drainage waters in copper mines, Foresudetic Monocline, SW Poland - collaboration with the Polish Copper Consortium (KGHM PM S.A.);
  • saline-fresh waters interaction in multi-aquifer hydrogeological systems in the area of Leningradski artesian basin, NW Russia - collaboration with the Faculty of Hydrogeology University of St. Petersburg and Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • coordinator and main performer of the pilot research regarding the isotopic composition of sulfates variation in precipitation and groundwater of natural and urban areas;


1997 - attained Master of Science degree in the faculty of Geology in the field of Hydrogeology 

Department of Geology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

2004 - attained Doctoral degree in the faculty of Earth Sciences 
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geological Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Academic and Professional Experience

2004 - present: Researcher, Institute of Geological Sciences PAS (ING PAN), Warsaw, Poland

1998 - 2004: Research Assistant, Institute of Geological Sciences PAS (ING PAN), Warsaw, Poland

2001 - Doctoral scholarship, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Halle, Germany (2 months)

2001 - Certification of the Ministry of Environment of Poland, concerning the hydrogeological license in category V according to Polish Geological and Mining Low;

1999 - Exchange scholar, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA (one sementer)

1996 - 1997, Junior Assistant, University of Warsaw, Department of Geology, Warsaw, Poland

1995 - 1997, Junior Geologist, POLGEOL S.A., Department of Cartography and Geological Recognition, Warsaw, Poland

Completed professional courses & trainings

  • Isotope Methods in Environmental Studies. Gliwice Absolute Dating  Methods Centre (GADAM Centre), Gliwice, Poland, 1 - 5 May, 2005
  • Geothermal Exploration, Prospecting, Reservoir Engineering, Monitoring. Dokuz Eylul University, Geothermal Energy Research and Application Centre (GERAC), Izmir, Turkey, 28 May - 11 June, 2006. Scholarship granted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).
  • Basis of  Ionic Chromatography. Silesian University, Department of Earth Sciences, Katowice, Poland, 5-days, April 2008
  • Application of Artificial Tracers and Environmental Isotopes in Groundwater Systems' Parameters Estimation, by prof. Piotr Maloszewski. Department of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5-days, May 2009,
  • Application of Artificial Tracers in Estimation of Transport and Flow Parameters in Porous and Karst Media, by prof. Piotr Maloszewski. Department of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5-days, May 2010
  • Lightening the Darkness: From Borehole Measurements to Earth Models. ICDP Scientific Training Drilling Course, KTB GeoCenter, Windischeschenbach, and GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 12 - 16 April, 2010
  • Traceres Methods in Hydrology and Hydrogeology, by prof. Piotr Maloszewski. Department of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5-days, May 2011

Scientific Memberships

  • Member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH); Secretary General of the Commission of Mineral and Thermal Waters of the IAH (IAH-CMTW) since 2009;
  • Member of the International Geothermal Association (IGA);
  • Member of the European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR);
  • Member of the Polish Geothermal Society (PGS)

Selected Publications

  • Porowski A., 2012 - Thermal conditions in the eastern part of Polish Carpathians inferred from geochemical and isotopic studies of dehydration-type mineralized water, SE Poland. Geothermics [under review]
  • Porowski A., 2012 - Chemical and isotopic characteristics of thermal waters in the Carpathian Region, South Poland: implication to the origin and resources. In: Balderer W., Porowski A., Idris H., LaMoreaux J. (eds) Thermal and Mineral Waters: Origin, Properties, Applications. Springer, 250 p. [in press]
  • Dowgiałło J., Porowski A., 2011 - Determination of residence time of drainage waters of KGHM PM S.A. copper mines with reference to observed development of cones of depression107 p. [in Polish, unpublished].
  • Porowski A., Dowgiałło J., 2009 - Application of selected geothermometers to exploration of low-enthalpy thermal water: the Sudetic Geothermal Region in Poland. Environmental Geology 58 (8): 1629-1638
  • Porowski A., Kowski P, 2008 - Determination of δ2H and δ18O in saline oil-associated waters: the question of simple vacuum distillation of water samples prior to isotopic analyses. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 44 (2): 227-238
  • Porowski A., 2006 - Origin of mineralized waters in the Central Carpathian Synclinorium, SE Poland. Studia Geologica Polonica 125: 67p
  • Dowgiałło J., Halas S., Porowski A., 2005 - Isotope temperature indicators of thermal waters in South-Western Poland. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress24-29 April, Antalya, Turkey.
  •  Porowski A., 2003 - Isotopic evidence of the origin of marginal oil-field waters within the Central Carpathian Synclinorium, SE Poland. Environmental Geology  46: 661-669