Monografie, rozdziały w monografiach

  • Okupny D., Gebus-Czupyt B., Alexandrowicz W.P., Michczyński A., 2018. Badania martwic wapiennych budujących złoża torfowisk źródliskowych w okolicach Buska-Zdrój. [W:] A. Kostrzewski, A. Stach, M. Majewski (red.), Geneza, litologia i stratygrafia utworów czwartorzędowych, t. VII, IGIG UAM, Poznań, 141-146.
  • Mason N., Capowa K. A. Laine P. Łosiak A., Martins Z., Noack L., Smith K. 2018 . Science and Research. In: Astrobiology and Society in Europe Today. (eds: Capova K.A., Persson E., Milligan T., Dunér, D.) Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Kruszewski Ł., 2018. Geochemical Behavior of Trace Elements in the Upper and Lower Silesian Basin Coal-Fire Gob Piles of Poland. Chapter 19, in: Stracher, G.B. (Ed.), Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, vol. 5 – “Case Studies – Advances in Field and Laboratory Research”. Elsevier. 407-449
  • Kruszewski Ł., Gatel P., Thiéry V., Moszumańska I., Kusy D., 2018. Crystallochemical Behavior of Slag Minerals and the Occurrence of Potentially New Mineral Species from Lapanouse-de-Sévérac, France. Chapter 13, in: Stracher, G.B. (Ed.), Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, vol. 5 – “Case Studies – Advances in Field and Laboratory Research”, Elsevier. 241–300
  • Krzywiec P., 2018, The birth and development of oil and gas industry in the Northern Carpathians (until 1939). [in]: J. Craig, F. Gerali, F. MacAulay, R. Sorkhabi (eds.), History of the European Oil and Gas Industry. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 465, 165-189,
  • Krzywiec P., Stachowska A., Stypa A., 2018, The only way is up - on Mesozoic uplifts and basin inversion events in SE Poland. [In:] Kilhams, B., Kukla, P. A., Mazur, S., Mckie, T., Mijnlieff, H. F. & Van Ojik, K. (eds) Mesozoic Resource Potential in the Southern Permian Basin. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 469, 33–57.
  • Thiéry V., Guy B., Kruszewski Ł., Carpentier, J.-F., 2018. The burning coal heap of La Ricamarie, Loire Coal Basin, France. Chapter 14, in: Stracher, G.B. (Ed.), Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, vol. 5 – “Case Studies – Advances in Field and Laboratory Research”. Elsevier. 301-331

Publikacje w czasopismach naukowych (baza JCR)

  • Adriaens, R., Zeelmaekers, E., Fettweis, M. Vanlierde, E., Vanlede, J., Stassen, P., Elsen, J., Środoń, J., Vandenberghe, N., 2018. Quantitative clay mineralogy as provenance indicator for recent muds in the southern North Sea. MARINE GEOLOGY, 398:48-58.
  • Apolinarska, K., Obremska, M., Aunina, L., Gałka, M., 2018. Response of the aquatic plants and mollusc communities in Lake Kojle (central Europe) to climatic changes between 250 BCE and 1550 CE, AQUATIC BOTANY, 148: 35-45
  • Baca M., Popović D., Panagiotopoulou H., Marciszak A., Krajcarz M., Krajcarz M.T., Makowiecki D., Węgleński P., Nadachowski A., 2018. Human-mediated dispersal of cats in the Neolithic Central Europe, HEREDITY, 121:557-563
  • Bella P., Bosák P., Braucher R., Pruner P., Hercman H., Minár J., Veselský M., Holec J., Léanni L. 2019. Multi-level Domica–Baradla cave system (Slovakia, Hungary): Middle Pliocene–Pleistocene evolution and implications for the denudation chronology of the Western Carpathians. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 327, 62-79. (w 2018)
  • Birski Ł., Słaby E.W., Domańska-Siuda J.S., 2018. Origin and evolution of volatiles in the Central Europe late Variscan granitoids, using the example of the Strzegom-Sobótka Massif, SW Poland, MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY,
  • Birski Ł., Wirth R., Słaby E., Wudarska A., Lepland A., Hofman A., Schreiber A., 2018. (Ca-Y)-phosphate inclusions in apatite crystals from Archean rocks from the Barberton Greenstone Belt and Pilbara Craton: First report of natural occurrence. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, 103(2):307-313
  • Bitušík, P., Trnková, K., Chamutiová, T., Sochuliaková, L., Stoklasa, J., Pipík, R., Szarlowicz, K., Szacilowski, G., Thomková, K., Šporka, F. Starek, D., Šurka, J., Milovský R., Hamerlík L. 2018. Tracking human impact in a mining landscape using lake sediments: A multi-proxy palaeolimnological study, PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, 504: 23-33
  • Błaszczyk, M., Hercman, H., Pawlak, J., Gąsiorowski, M., Matoušková, Š., Aninowska, M., Kicińska, D., Tyc, A., 2018. Low to middle Pleistocene paleoclimatic record from the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland (Poland) based on isotopic and calcite fabrics analyses, GEOCHRONOMETRIA, 45: 185-197
  • Bojanowski, M. J., Ciurej, A., Haczewski, G., Jokubauskas, P., Schouten, S., Tyszka, J., Bijl, P. K., 2018. The Central Paratethys during Oligocene as an ancient counterpart of the present-day Black Sea: Unique records from the coccolith limestones, MARINE GEOLOGY, 403: 301-328.
  • Botor, D., Anczkiewicz, A.A., Dunkl, I., Golonka, J., Paszkowski, M., Mazur, S., 2018. Tectonothermal history of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) in the light of low‐temperature thermochronology. TERRA NOVA, 30 (4): 270-278
  • Budzyń B., Sláma J., Kozub-Budzyń G.A., Konečný P.,Holický I., Rzepa G., Jastrzębski M., 2018. Constraints on the timing of multiple thermal events and re-equilibration recorded by high-U zircon and xenotime: Case study of pegmatite from Piława Górna (Góry Sowie Block, SW Poland), LITHOS, 310-311:65-85
  • Chamutiova T., Hamerlik L., Szałowicz K., Pipik R., Starek D., Sporka F., Pridalova M., Sochuliakova L., Bitusik P., 2018. The historical development of three man-made reservoirs in a mining region: A story told by subfossil chironomids, JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY, 77:220-229
  • Chukanov N.V., Rastsvetaeva R. K., Kruszewski Ł., Aksenov S.M., Rusakov V.S., BritvinS.N.,VozchikovaS.A.,2018.Siudaite,Na8(Mn2+2Na)Ca6Fe3+3Zr3NbSi25O74(OH)2Cl·5H2O: a new eudialyte-group mineral from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS, 45:745-758
  • Cohuo s., Macario-González l., Pérez l., Sylvestre F., Paillès C., Curtis J., Kutterolf S., Wojewódka M., Zawisza E., Szeroczyńska K., Schwalb A., 2018. Climate ultrastructure and aquatic community response to Heinrich Stadials (HS5a-HS1) in the continental northern Neotropics, QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 197:75-91
  • Collett S., Štípská P., Schulmann K., Peřestý V., Soldner J., Anczkiewicze R., Lexac O., Kylander-Clark A., 2018. Combined Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology of the Marianske Lazne Complex: New constraints on the timing of eclogite- and granulite-facies metamorphism, LITHOS, 304-307:74-94
  • Derkowski A., Marynowski, L., 2018. Binding of heavy metals by oxidised kerogen in (palaeo)weathered black shales, CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 493:441-450.
  • Dietze E., Theuerkauf M., Bloom K., Brauer A., DörflerdIng W., Feeser I., Feurdean A.,Gedminienė L., Giesecke T., Jahns S., Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Kołaczek P., Lamentowicz M., Latałowa M.,Marcisz K., Obremska M., Pędziszewska A., Poska A., Rehfeld K., Stancikaite, M., Stivrins N., Święta-Musznicka J., Szal, M., Vassiljev J., Veski S., Wacnik A., Weisbrodt D., Wiethold J., Vanniere B., Słowiński M., 2018. Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe, QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 201:44-56
  • Drachev, S. Mazur, S., Campbell, S., Green, C. Tishchenko, A., 2018.  Crustal architecture of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and adjacent Arctic Ocean constrained by seismic data and gravity modeling results. JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS, 119:123-148
  • Fabiańska M., Ciesielczuk J., Nádudvari Á., Misz-Kennan M., Kowalski A., Kruszewski Ł., 2018. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND
  • Gąsiorowski M., Sienkiewicz E., 2019. Bird population changes reconstructed from isotopic signals of peat developed in a nutrient enriched tundra. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 646, 1359-1366. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.453 (w 2018)
  • Goryl, M., Marynowski, L., Brocks, J.J., Bobrovskiy, I., Derkowski, A., 2018. Exceptional preservation of hopanoid and steroid biomarkers in Ediacaran sedimentary rocks of the East European Craton, PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 316:38-47.
  • Guillen A.G., Oszajca M., Luberda-Durnaś K., Gryl M., Bartkiewicz S., Miniewicz A., Lasocha W., 2018. Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of organic-inorganic hybrid layered materials: a solvent-free ligand-controlled dimensionality approach based on metal sulfates and aromatic diamines, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 18 (9): 5029-5037
  • Hamerlik, L., da Silva, F. L., Jacobsen, D., 2018. Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Ecuadorian Highaltitude Streams: A Survey and Illustrated Key. FLORIDA ENTOMOLOGIST, 101 (4), 663-676.
  • Hamerlik L., Da Silva F. L., Wojewódka M., 2018. Sub-fossil Chironomidae (Diptera) from lake sediments in Central America: a preliminary inventory, ZOOTAXA, 4497 (4):559-572
  • Hamerlík, L., Wojewodka, M., Zawisza, E., Duran, S.C., Macario-Gonzalez, L., Pérez, L. and Szeroczynska, K., 2018. Subfossil Chironomidae (Diptera) in surface sediments of the sinkholes (cenotes) of the Yucatan Peninsula: Diversity and distribution. JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY, 77:1-7
  • Jaroszewicz E., Bojanowski M., Marynowski L., Łoziński M., Wysocka A., 2018. Paleoenvironmental conditions, source and maturation of Neogene organic matter from the siliciclastic deposits of the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin,  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY, 196:288-301
  • Jastrzębski M., Machowiak  K., Krzemińska  E., Farmer  G.L., Larionov  A.N., Murtezi M., Majka J., Sergeev S., Ripley E.M., Whitehouse M., 2018. Geochronology, petrogenesis and geodynamic significance of the Visean igneous rocks in the Central Sudetes, northeastern Bohemian Massif, LITHOS, 316-317:385-405
  • Kędzior A., Popa M.I., 2018. An Early Jurassic braided river system from Mehadia, South Carpathians, Romania, GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, 62:415-432
  • Kołaczek, P., Gałka, M., Apolinarska, K., Płóciennik, M., Gąsiorowski, M., Brooks, S.J., Hutchinson, S.M., Karpińska-Kołaczek, M., 2018. A multi-proxy view of exceptionally early postglacial development of riparian woodlands with Ulmus in the Dniester River valley, western Ukraine, REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY, 250:27-43
  • Kołaczek, P., Płóciennik, M., Gałka, M., Apolinarska, K., Tosik K., Gąsiorowski, M., Brooks, S.J., Karpińska-Kołaczek, M., 2018. Persist or take advantage of global warming: A development of Early Holocene riparian forest and oxbow lake ecosystems in Central Europe. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 200:191-211.
  • Kołtonik K., Pisarzowska A., Paszkowski M., Sláma J., Becker R.T., Szczerba M., Krawczyński W., Hartenfels S., Marynowski L., 2018. Baltic provenance of top-Famennian siliciclastic material of the northern Rhenish Massif, Rhenohercynian zone of the Variscan orogeny. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 107:2645–2669.
  • Kondas, M., Filipiak, P., Paszkowski, M., Pisarzowska, A., Elmore, R.D., Jelonek, I., Kasprzyk, M., 2018. The organic matter composition of the Devonian/Carboniferous deposits (South Flank of Arbuckle Anticline, Oklahoma, USA), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY, 198, 88–99.
  • Konečný P., Kusiak M. A., Dunkley D.J, 2018. Improving U-Th-Pb electron microprobe dating using monazite age references, CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 484:22-35
  • Kowal-Kasprzyk J. M., 2018. Calpionellid zones of the Tithonian–Berriasian exotic limestone clasts from the Outer Carpathians, Poland. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 81:36-50
  • Kremer, B., Kaźmierczak, J., Środoń, J., 2018. Cyanobacterial-algal crusts from Late Ediacaran paleosols of the East European Craton. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 305: 236-246.
  • Krivoshapkin A., Viola B., Chargynov T., Krajcarz M.T., Krajcarz M., Fedorowicz S., Shnaider S., Kolobova K., 2018. Middle Paleolithic variability in Central Asia: Lithic assemblage of Sel’Ungur cave, QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL,
  • Kruszewski Ł., Dec M., 2018, Plumbogummite group minerals in Lower Devonian placoderm sandstones from Podłazie Hill, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, 62: 353-360
  • Kruszewski Ł., Fabiańska M.,J., Ciesielczuk J., Segit T., Orłowski R., Motyliński R., Kusy D., Moszumańska I., 2018. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 640-641:1044-1071
  • Kufrasa M., Słonka Ł., Krzywiec P., Dzwinel K., Zacharski J., 2018. Fracture pattern of the Lower Paleozoic sedimentary cover in the Lublin Basin (SE Poland) derived from seismic attribute analysis and structural restoration.  INTERPRETION, 6(3):SH73-SH89
  • Kuligiewicz, A., Derkowski, A., Środoń, J., Gionis, V., Chryssikos, D.G., 2018. The charge of wettable illite-smectite surfaces measured with the O-D method, APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,161: 354-363
  • Lempart M, Derkowski A., Luberda-Durnaś K., Skiba M., and Błachowski A., 2018. Dehydrogenation and dehydroxylation as drivers of the thermal decomposition of Fe-chlorites, AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, 103 (11): 1837-1850.
  • Liivamägi, S., Środoń, J., Bojanowski, M. J., Gerdes, A., Stanek, J. J., Williams, L., Szczerba, M., 2018. Paleosols on the Ediacaran basalts of the East European Craton: A unique record of paleoweathering with minimum diagenetic overprint. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 316:66–82.
  • Lotout C., Pitra P., Poujol M., Anczkiewicz R., Driessche J.V.D., 2018. Timing and duration of Variscan high-pressure metamorphism in the French Massif Central: A multimethod geochronological study from the Najac Massif, LITHOS, 308-309:381-394
  • Luberda-Durnaś K., Konieczny P., Pełka R., Oszajca M., Guillen A.G., Korecki J., Ciesielska Z., Łasocha W., 2018, Two-step magnetic transition in hybrid organic-inorganic materials of the (m-xylylenediamine)MeSO4 (Me, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) type, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 42:18225-18235
  • Łuszczak K., Persano  C., Stuart  F. M. ,2018. Early Cenozoic denudation of central west Britain in response to transient and permanent uplift above a mantle plume. TECTONICS, 37(3): 914-934
  • Majka  J., Mazu  S., Młynarska, M., Klonowska, I., Tual, L., Kośmińska, K., Tarasiuk, J., Wroński, S., 2019. Integrating X‐ray mapping and microtomography of garnet with thermobarometry to define the P–T evolution of the (near) UHP Międzygórze eclogite, Sudetes, SW Poland. JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY, published online 06/09/2018,
  • Malinowski M., Jarosiński M., Krzywiec P., Pasternacki A., Wawrzyniak-Guz K., 2018. Introduction to special section: Characterization of potential Lower Paleozoic shale resource play in Poland. INTERPRETATION, 6(3):1-3
  • Mariash H.L., Cazzanelli M., Rautio M., Hamerlik L., Wooller M.J. and Christoffersen K.S., 2018. Changes in food web dynamics of low Arctic ponds with varying content of dissolved organic carbon.  ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH, 50(1): 1-15
  • Mazur S., Gągała Ł., Kufrasa M., Krzywiec P., 2018. Application of two-dimensional gravity models as input parameters to balanced cross-sections across the margin of the East European Craton in SE Poland. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, 116:223-233
  • Mikołajczak  M., Mazur S., Gągała Ł., 2018. Depth-to-basement for the East European Craton and Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone in Poland based on potential field data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE, 108:1-21
  • Milliken K.L, McCarty D.K., and Derkowski A., 2018. Grain assemblages and diagenesis in the tarl-dominated lower Silurian mudrock succession of the western margin of the east European craton in Poland and Lithuania. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, 374, 115-133
  • Mirosław-Grabowska J., Zawisza E., 2018. Reaction of the lake environment to the Holocene warming depending on the distance to the maximum extent of the Vistulian ice sheet. CATENA, 171:494-504
  • Nagai Y., Uematsu K., Chen C., Wani R., Tyszka J., Toyofuku T., 2018. Weaving of biomineralization framework in rotaliid foraminifera: implications for paleoceanographic proxies. BIOGEOSCIENCE, 15:6773-6789
  • Nitychoruk J., Bińk K., Sienkiewicz E., Szymanek M., Chodyka M., Makos M., Ruppert H., Tudryn A., 2018. A multiproxy record of the Younger Holsteinian Oscillation (YHO) in the Ossówka profile, eastern Poland. BOREAS 47:855-868
  • Orgel C., Hauber E., van Gasselt S., Reiss D., Johnsson A., Ramsdale J., Smith I., Swirad Z., Séjourné A., Balme M., Conway S., Costard F., Eke V., Gallagher C., Kereszturi A., Łosiak A., Massey R., Platz T., Skinner, Jr. J., Teodoro L.F., Wilson J. 2018. Gridmapping the Northern Plains of Mars: A New Overview of Recent Water- and Ice-Related Landforms in Acidalia Planitia. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH – PLANETS, DOI: DOI:10.1029/2018JE005664
  • Pierwoła J.,Ciesielczuk J., Misz-Kennan M., Fabiańska M.J., Bielińska A., Kruszewski Ł., 2018. Structure and thermal history of the Wełnowiec dump, Poland: A municipal dump rehabilitated with coal waste.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY, 197:1-19
  • Płachno B. J., Jurkowska A., Pacyna G., Worobiec E., Gedl P., Świerczewska-Gładysz E., 2018. Plant assemblage from Opole, southern Poland: New data on Late Cretaceous vegetation of the northern part of the European Province. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION, 129: 159-170
  • Porowski A., 2018. AgF desalination procedure for the routine determination of oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of saline waters and brines. ISOTOPES IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH STUDIES, 10.1080/10256016.2018.1561449
  • Rakociński M., Zatoń M., Marynowski L., Gedl P., Lehmann J., 2018. Redox conditions, productivity, and volcanic input during deposition of uppermost Jurassic and lower Cretaceous organic-rich siltstones in Spitsbergen, Norway. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 89:126-147
  • Ramsdale J., Balme M., Gallagher C., Conway S., Smith I., Hauber E., Orgel C., Séjourné A., Costard F., Eke V., van Gasselt S., Johnsson A., Kereszturi A., Łosiak A., Massey R., Platz T., Reiss D., Swirad Z., Teodoro L.F., Wilson J., 2018.Gridmapping the northern plains of Mars: Geomorphological, Radar and Water-Equivalent Hydrogen results from Arcadia Plantia suggest possible fluvial and volcanic systems overlain by a ubiquitous and heavily degraded ice-rich latitude-dependent mantle. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH – PLANETS, DOI:10.1029/2018JE005663.
  • Razmjooei M.J., Thibault N., Kani A., Dinarès-Turell J., Pucéat E., Shahriari S., Radmacher W., Jamali A.M., Ullmann C.V., Voigt S., Cocquerezd T., 2018. Integrated bio- and carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the UpperCretaceous Gurpi Formation (Iran): A new reference for the eastern Tethys and its implications for large-scale correlation of stage boundaries. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 91:312-340
  • Rickman H., Błęcka M.I., Gurgurewicz J., Jorgensen U.G., Słaby E., Szutowic, S. Zalewska N., 2018.  Water in the history of Mars: An Assessment. PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE,
  • Sałacińsk A., Kusiak M.A., Whitehouse M.J., Dunkley D.J., Wilde S.A., Kielman R., 2018. Complexity of the early Archaean Uivak Gneiss: Insights from Tigigakyuk Inlet, Saglek Block, Labrador, Canada and possible correlations with south West Greenland. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 315 :103-119
  • Séjourne A., Costard F., Swirad Z., Łosiak A., Bouley S., Smith I., Balme M., Orgel C., Jason Ramsdale, Hauber E., Conway S., van Gasselt S., Reiss D., Johnsson A., Gallagher C, Skinner J Jr., Kereszturi A., Platz T. ,2018. Grid-mapping the northern plains of Mars: using morphotype and distribution of ice-related landforms to understand multiple ice-rich deposits in Utopia Planitia. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH – PLANETS, DOI:10.1029/2018JE005665.
  • Sekudewicz I., Gąsiorowski M., 2018. Determination of the activity and the average annual dose of absorbed uranium and polonium in drinking water from Warsaw. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY,
  • Sienkiewicz E., Gąsiorowski M., 2018. Limited acid deposition inferred from diatoms during the 20th century — A case study from lakes in the Tatra Mountains. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA, 64:92-106
  • Sienkiewicz E., Gąsiorowski M., 2018. The influence of acid mine drainage on the phyto- and zooplankton communities in a clay pit lake in the Łuk Mużakowa Geopark (western Poland). FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY, 191/2:143-154
  • Skiba M., Skiba S., Derkowski A., Maj-Szeliga K., and Dziubińska B., 2018. Formation of NH4-illite-like phase at the expense of dioctahedral vermiculite in soil and diagenetic environments – an experimental approach. CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS, 66:74-85.
  • Sochuliaková L., Sienkiewicz E., Hamerlík L., Svitok M., Fidlerova D., Bitušík P. 2018. Reconstructing the Trophic History of an Alpine Lake (High TatraMts.) Using Subfossil Diatoms: Disentangling the Effects of Climate and Human Influence. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, 229: 1-12
  • Svitok M., Novikmec M., Hamerlík L., Kochjarová J., Oťaheľová H., Paľove-Balang P., Senko D., Matúšová Z., Bubíková K., Hrivnák R., 2018. Test of the efficiency of environmental surrogates for the conservation prioritization of ponds based on macrophytes. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 95: 606-614.
  • Szczerba M., Ufer K., 2018. New model of ethylene glycol intercalate in smectites for XRD modelling. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 153:113-123.
  • Szufa K.M., Mietelski J.W., Anczkiewicz R., Sala D., Olech M.A., 2018. Variations of plutonium isotopic ratios in Antarctic ecosystems. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, 318:1511-1518
  • Środoń J., Anczkiewicz A., Dunkl I., Vlahovic I., Velic I., Tomljenovic B., Kawiak T., Banaś M., von Eynatten H., 2018. Thermal history of the central part of the Karst Dinarides, Croatia: Combined application of clay mineralogy and low-T thermochronology. TECTONOPHYSICS, 744:155-176
  • Vahlenkam M., Niezgodzki I., De Vleeschouwer D., Bickert T., Harper D., Kirtland - Turner S., Lohmann G., Sexton P., Zachos J., Pälike H., 2018. Astronomically paced changes in deep-water circulation in the western North Atlantic during the middle Eocene. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 484: 329-340
  • Vahlenkamp M., Niezgodzki I., De Vleeschouwer D., Lohmann G., Bickert T., Pälike H., 2018. Ocean and climate response to North Atlantic seaway changes at the onset of long-term Eocene cooling. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 498: 185-195
  • Warny S., Kymes C.M., Askin R., Krajewski K.P., Tatur A., 2018. Terrestrial and marine floral response to latest Eocene and Oligocene events on the Antarctic Peninsula. PALYNOLOGY,
  • Worobiec E., Gedl P., 2018. Upper Eocene palynoflora from Łukowa (SE Poland) and its palaeoenvironmental context. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, 492: 134-146
  • Wudarska A., Wiedenbeck M., Słaby E., Lepland A., Birski Ł., Simon K., 2018. Halogen Chemistry and Hydrogen Isotopes of Apatite from the >3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 310:153-164
  • Wysocka A., Łozinski M., Śmigielski M., Czarniecka U., Bojanowski M., 2018. New data on the age of the sedimentary infill of the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin – a case study of the Bystry Stream succession (Middle/Upper Miocene, Western Carpathians). GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, 62(2), 327-343.
  • Zak K., Liptak V., Orvosova M., Filippi M., Hercman H., Matouskova S., 2018.  Cryogenic carbonates and cryogenic speleothem dam age in the Za Hájovnou Cave (Javorícko Karst, Czech Re public). GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, 62 :1-11
  • Zawisza E., Zawiska I., Szeroczyńska K., Correa-Metrio A., Mirosław – Grabowska J., Obremska M., Rzodkiewicz M., Słowiński M., Woszczyk M., 2018. Dystrophication of lake Suchar IV (NE Poland): an alternative way of lake development. LIMNETICA 38:401-426.