Self-Government of Doctoral Students of Institute of Geological Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences

We are an organization associating all doctoral students of the Institute of Geological Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences, who are participants of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School.


Our main tasks include:

  1. Active participation in deciding on all the matters relating to doctoral students and the Institute;
  2. Defending the rights of doctoral students;
  3. Organization of peer support between doctoral students;
  4. Expressing opinions of doctoral students;
  5. Promoting scientific activities and popularizing science;
  6. Integration of the IGS PAS doctoral community;
  7. Participation in meetings of the Scientific Council of IGS PAS


Self-government representatives (term of office 2024-2025)

  • Maciej Fitt – Chairman of the Self-Government, Representative of Doctoral Students on the Scientific Council of IGS PAS;
  • Karolina Godos – Member of the Doctoral Student Council
  • Tanishka Soni – Member of the Doctoral Student Council,

Correspondence address:



  1. Regulamin Samorządu Doktorantów ING PAN