Surfaces of extraterrestrial bodies, impact craters
Instytut Nauk Geologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
Ośrodek Badawczy we Wrocławiu
Research Centre in Wrocław
Podwale 75, 50-449 Wrocław, POLAND
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
2013 – PhD thesis
University of Vienna, Department of Lithospheric Research
“Impact processes within Bosumtwi impact crater”
Supervisor: Christian Koeberl
2009 – M.Sc thesis
Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences
“The development of evaporite minerals during weathering of Antarctic meteorites.”
Supervisor: Michael A. Velbel
2006 – M.Sc. thesis
Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
“Changes of environment during accumulation of sediments from a borehole Leszczydol 1 (Miedzyrzecze Lomzynskie).”
Supervisor: Barbara Woronko
2013 - Postdoctoral Fellow:
Institute of Geological Sciences P.A.S.
2010-2013 – PhD student:
Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna.
2009-2010 – Geologist:
Geotech Sp. z o.o., Rzeszow.
2008-2009 - Teaching and Research Assistant:
Department of Geological Sciences Michigan State University.
2008 – Intern researcher:
Lunar and Planetary Institute.
2006-2007 – Teacher Assistant:
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies Warsaw University.
2005 – Teacher Assistant:
Carleton University
2004-2006 – Project manager:
Wolska&Jefremienko s.c. company
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Losiak A., Gołębiowska I., Orgel C., Moser L., MacArthur J., Boyd A., Hettrich S., Jones N., Groemer G. (2014) Remote Science Support during MARS2013: testing a map- based system of data processing and utilization for the future long-duration planetary missions. Astrobiology 14: 417-430.
- Losiak A., Wild E.M., Michlmayr L., Koeberl C. (2014) 10Be content in clasts from fallout suevitic breccia in drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana: Clues to pre-impact target distribution, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49: 341-411.
- Losiak A., Schulz T., Buchwaldt R., Koeberl C. (2013) Characteristics of granitic intrusions from the vicinity of the Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana, Lithos 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.06.002.
- Galiazzo M.A., Bazso A., Huber M.S., Losiak A., Dvorak R., Koeberl C. (2013) A statistical dynamical study of meteorite impactors: a case study based on parameters derived from the Bosumtwi impact event, Astronomische Nachrichten 334: 936-939.
- Huber M.S., Ferrière L., Losiak A., Koeberl C. (2011) ANIE: A mathematical algorithm for automated indexing of planar deformation features in quartz grains, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46: 1418–1424.
- Losiak A., Velbel M.A. (2011) Evaporite Formation during the Weathering of Antarctic Meteorites – a Weathering Census Analysis Based on the ANSMET Database, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46: 443–458.
- Velbel M.A., Losiak A. (2010) Corrosion morphologies of naturally weathered chain silicate minerals: implications for preliminary results from the Mars Phoenix Lander MECA (Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity Analyzed) Atomic Force Microscope, Journal of Sedimentary Research 80: 771-780.
- Velbel M.A., Losiak A. (2008) Influence of surface-area estimation on rates of plagioclase weathering determined from naturally weathered 3400 y old Hawaiian basalt, Mineralogical Magazine 72: 91-94.
Book Chapters
- Losiak A., (2012) Science Goal 1c: Establish a precise absolute chronology. In: A Global Lunar Landing Site Study to Provide the Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon (eds: D.A. Kring and D.D. Durda). LPI Contribution No. 1694 Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Conference Contributions and Presentations
Seminars and invited talks
- Limitations on information retrievable from Antarctic meteorites due to influence of terrestrial weathering (2012) Meteorites: insights into planet composition 19th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland Obrzycko.
- Granites from the vicinity of the Bosumtwi crater (January 2012) Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin.
- Geology of the Moon (October 2008) Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University.
Conference presentations
First author:
- Ice melting by radiantly heated dust grains on the Martian Northern Pole. (2014) MPSE2014, Warsaw, Poland. Talk.
- Increased delivery of condensation nuclei during the Late Heavy Bombardment to the terrestrial and Martian atmospheres. (2014) Losiak A., EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Abstract # 10781. Talk.
- Contemporary weathering on the Martian northern polar cap (2013). Losiak A., Czechowski L., Masse M., Velbel M. Workshop „Mars 4”, 20-25 October 2013, Les Houches, France. Poster.
- The role of maps in planetary missions (2013) Losiak A. et al. MARS2013 Science Workshop, Vienna, Austria. Talk.
- 10Be Content in suevite breccia from the Bosumtwi Impact Crater. (2013) Losiak A., Wild E.M., Michlmayr L., Koeberl C., EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Abstract #6381. Poster
- The Role of the Photogeologic Mapping in the Morocco 2013 Mars Analog Field Simulation (Austrian Space Forum) (2013) Losiak A. et al. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Abstract #11556. Poster.
- Relation of the Shock Field Heterogeneity to Shock Pressure Estimations based on PDFs Characteristics. (2013) Losiak A. Koeberl C., 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1667. Poster
- Antarctica as a Mars analogue: evaporites on ice and meteorites. (2013) Losiak A. The Martian Cryosphere 21-23.01.2013, Wrocław, Poland. Talk.
- Limitations on information retrievable from Antarctic meteorites due to influence of terrestrial weathering. (2012) Losiak A., Velbel M.A. Meteorites: insights into planet composition 19th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Obrzycko, Polska. Mineralogia – Special Papers 40: 39-41. Invited talk.
- 10Be Content in Suevite Breccia Clasts from the Bosumtwi Crater Fill as a Proxy for the Content of Surface Components (2012) Losiak A., Wild E., Michlmayr L., Koeberl C. 75th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Carnis, Australia, Abstract #5118. Talk.
- Impact cratering processes in the Bosumtwi crater (2012) A. Losiak, C. Koeberl, Workshop on Mars – Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe 05-07 June 2012, Budapest, Hungary. Poster
- Zircon U-Pb and Hf-Nd isotopic constraints on the genesis of granites from the vicinity of Bosumtwi crater, (2012) A. Losiak, T. Schulz, C. Koeberl, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Abstract #6574. Poster
- Spatial Analysis of Planar Deformation Features (2011) Losiak A., Golebiowska I., Koeberl C., 74th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, London, UK, Abstract #5056. Talk.
- Specific combinations of planar deformation feature orientations in shocked quartz grains from The Bosumtwi impact crater as a signature of β-quartz (2011) A. Losiak, L. Ferrière, C. Koeberl, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Abstract #4243. Poster.
- What is the Role of Alpha-Quartz in Impact Shock Metamorphism? Angles Between Pole Orientations of Planar Deformation Features as a Proxy for the Shock-Induced Temperature Change (2011) A. Losiak, L. Ferrière, C. Koeberl, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1284. Poster.
- A Web-Based Program for Indexing Planar Deformation Features in Quartz (2011) A. Losiak, J. Wojciechowski, L. Ferrière, M. Huber, C. Koeberl, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1286. Poster.
- Geographic Influences on Evaporite Formation During Weathering of Antarctic Meteorites (2009) A. Losiak, M. A. Velbel, 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1394. Poster.
- A New Lunar Impact Crater Database (2009) A. Losiak, D. E. Wilhelms, C. J. Byrne, K. G. Thaisen, S. Z. Weider, T. Kohout, K. O’Sullivan, D. A. Kring, 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1532. Poster.
- Establishing a Precise Absolute Chronology of the Moon — A Need for Robotic Missions (2008) A. Losiak, T. Kohout, K. O’Sulllivan, K. Thaisen, S. Weider, D. Kring, Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR, Cape Canaveral, USA, Abstract #4072. Poster.
- King Crater (Moon) as a potential landing site for the manned mission (2008) A. Losiak, Michigan Space Grant Consortium Conference, Ann Arbor, US. Talk.
- Estimating crystal shape to estimate plagioclase weathering rates in naturally weathered basalt from Hawaii (2008) A. Losiak, GSA North-Central Section - 42nd Annual Meeting, Evansville, USA. Poster.
Contributing author:
- Dinkelaker A., Hettrich S., Lupu E.S., Ghasemzadeh L., Sekula A., Alizadeh A., Frischauf N., Golebiowska I., Groemer G., Jones N., Kauerhoff T., Losiak A., MacArthur J., Moser L., Pfeil I., Ragonig C., Ramirez B., Scornet Q., Sejkora N., Soucek A. 2013. The mission and Activity planning strategy for the MARS2013 Mission. 64th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing China, Abstract #IAC-13- B6,4-V.1.
- Geological trainings for analogue astronauts: Lessons learned from MARS2013 expedition, Morocco (2013) Orgel C., Achorner I., Losiak A., Gołębiowska I., Rampey M., and Groemer G., European Planetary Science Congress 2013, London, United Kingdom, Abstract #EPSC2013-905.
- Micromorphology of quartz grains as a tool in recognition of fluvial deposits based on field and experimental study (2013) Woronko B., Giriat D., Losiak A., W: Parsons D.R., Ashworth P.J., Best J.L., Simpson C.J. (Eds), Conference Programme and Abstract Volume. 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology. University of Leeds, UK 14-19 July 2013.: 256. ISBN: 978-1-905593-92-7 pp. 460.
- Differentiation, mineralogy and melting of Rhea. (2013) Czechowski L., Losiak A., EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Abstract #9122.
- Differentiation, Mineralogy and Melting of Rhea. (2013) Czechowski L., Losiak A., 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #2558.
- A statistical dynamical study of meteorite impactors: case study from Bosumtwi. (2012) Galiazzo M.A., Bazso A., Huber M., Losiak A. Joint Meeting „Paneth Kolloquium“, „SPP 1385: The First 10 Million Years of the Solar System“ and MEMIN, Nördlingen, Germany.
- Karakul Depression, Tadjikistan — A Young Impact Crater? (2012) Baratoux D., Bouley S., Baratoux L., Colas F., Dauvergne J.L., Vaubaillon J., Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H., Jambon A., Gattacceca J., Losiak A., Bourdeille C., Jullien A., Ibadinov K. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012, Proceedings of the conference LPI Contribution No. 1667, id.6037, Niigata, Japan.
- Karakul: a young complex impact crater in the Pamir, Tajikistan (2011) Bouley S., Baratoux D., Baratoux L., Colas F., Dauvergne J., Losiak A., Vaubaillon J., Bourdeille C., Jullien A., Ibadinov K., American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, Abstract #P31A-1701.
- ANIE: A Mathematical Algorithm for Automated Indexing of Planar Deformation Features in Shocked Quartz (2011) M. S. Huber, L. Ferrière, A. Losiak, C. Koeberl, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1200.
- Fold Hinge in Overturned Coconino Sandstone and its Structural Displacement During the Formation of Barringer Meteorite Crater (a.k.a Meteor Crater) (2011) D. A. Kring, J. Balcerski, D. M. Blair, M. Chojnacki, P. H. Donohue, S. A. Drummond, J. M. Garber, M. Hopkins, M. S. Huber, S. J. Jaret, A. Losiak, A. Maier, J. Mitchell, L. Ong, L. R. Ostrach, K. M. O'Sullivan, R. W. K. Potter, S. Robbins, B. Shankar, E. K. Shea, K. N. Singer, M. Sori, S. Sturm, M. Willmes, M. Zanetti, A. Wittmann, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1740.
- Asymmetrical Distribution of Impact Ejected Lithologies at Barringer Meteorite Crater (a.k.a Meteor Crater) (2011) D. A. Kring, J. Balcerski, D. M. Blair, M. Chojnacki, P. H. Donohue, S. A. Drummond, J. M. Garber, M. Hopkins, M. S. Huber, S. J. Jaret, A. Losiak, A. Maier, J. Mitchell, L. Ong, L. R. Ostrach, K. M. O'Sullivan, R. W. K. Potter, S. Robbins, B. Shankar, E. K. Shea, K. N. Singer, M. Sori, S. Sturm, M. Willmes, M. Zanetti, A. Wittmann, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1746.
- Denticles on Chain Silicate Grain Surfaces and Their Utility as Indicators of Weathering Conditions on Earth and Mars, (2010) M. A. Velbel, A. I. Losiak, First International Conference on Mars Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, El Paso, USA, Abstract #6056.
- Corrosion Morphologies of Naturally Weathered Terrestrial Pyroxene: Implications for Preliminary Results from the Mars Phoenix Lander Atomic Force Microscope (2009) M. A. Velbel, A. I. Losiak, Workshop on the Microstructure of the Martian Surface, Copenhagen, Denmark, Abstract #9011.
- Scientific Opportunities for Human Exploration of the Moon’s Schrödinger Basin (2009) T. Kohout, K. O’Sullivan, A. Losiak, K. G. Thaisen, S. Weider, D. A. Kring, 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, Abstract #1572.
- Geographic Information Systems: An Enabling Tool for Lunar Exploration (2008) K. G. Thaisen, A. Losiak, T. Kohout, K. O'Sullivan, S. Weider, D. Kring, Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR, Cape Canaveral, USA, Abstract #4098.
- Robotic and Human Exploration of the Schrödinger Basin (2008) T. Kohout, K. O’Sullivan, A. Losiak, D. Kring, K. Thaisen, S. Weider, Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR, Cape Canaveral, USA, Abstract #4078.
- Schrödinger Basin: a Geologically Diverse Landing Area (2008) K. O’Sullivan, T. Kohout, A. Losiak, D. Kring, K. Thaisen S. Weider, Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR, Cape Canaveral, USA, Abstract #4081.
- Schrodinger basin – a prospective landing site (2008) K. O’Sullivan, T. Kohout, , A. Losiak, K. Thaisen, S. Weider, D. Kring, Lunar Science Conference at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, USA.
- Findings of the LPI's 2008 Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program (2008) Weider, S., Kohout, T., Losiak, A., O'Sullivan, K., Thasien, K. and Kring, D., UK Planetary Forum Early Career Scientists’ Annual Meeting, London, UK.
- Dr A. Łosiak, Institute of Geological Sciences P.A.S.: Development of evaporates on the North Polar Cap of Mars. NCN 2013/08/S/ST10/00586
- Prof. M. A. Velbel, Michigan State University: Relation between silicates and evaporites in martian meteorites and in terrestrial analogues: implications for wather on Mars. NASA Mars Fundamental Research Program NNG05GL77G (2005-2008).
- Prof. C. Koeberl, University of Vienna: Planetology: From asteroids to impact craters. University of Vienna doctoral school, IK-1045 (2010-2013).
- Dr B. Woronko, Warsaw University: Development of Pleistocene aeolian processes in central and north-eastern Poland, State Committee for Scientific Research 2 PO4E 009 30 (2006-2008).
- European Geosciences Union
- Meteoritical Society
- Three year research grant from the Polish National Science Centre (2013).
- MetSoc travel award (2011 and 2012).
- EGU Outstanding student poster award (2011).
- Student Research Grant Award of the Clay Minerals Society (2009).
- LPI Career Development Award (2009).
- Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR travel grant (2008).
- Neal Endowed Scholarship (2007-2008).
- GSA graduate students research grant (2008).
- Lucile Drake Pringle and Gordon H. Pringle Endowed Fellowship (2007-2008).
- Fulbright’s Graduate Student Award (2007-2008).
- M.A degree with honors (2006).
- Scholarship of Ministry of National Education and Sport for the best Polish students (2004 and 2005).
- Scholarship from Carleton University (2005).
- Bachelor degree with honors (2004).
- Scholarship for the best students of University of Warsaw funded by PZU ZYCIE S.A (2003).
- Annually the best student on a year and won scholarships for very good grades (2001-2006).
- Finalist of National Geographic Contest (The Geographic Olympics) (2001).
- Scholarship of the Prime Minister of Poland for the best students of high schools (2000).
- Finalist of National Biologic Contest (The Biologic Olympics) (1997).
Journal Reviewer and Community Service
Co-organized conferences and workshops:
- MPSE2014 (Mars – connecting planetary scientists in Europe), 3-5 June 2014, Warsaw.
- Second Mars Cryosphere Workshop 2014, 10-12 February 2014, Wroclaw.
Reviewer for the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science.
Initiated the “How to become a planetary scientist?” program at Planetary Science Division EGU:
Workshops and conferences
Co-organized the Second Workshop on Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe (MPSE 2014) in Warsaw.
Co-organized Martian Cryosphere Workshop II 2014 in Wrocław.
Organized cycle of workshops titled “Planetary Geology” for high-schools students in Warsaw (2008).
Organized one week science-teaching program for pupils from a small village school in Wolka Czepowa, Poland (2002).
Organized one year program of supplementary science classes for pupils with special needs or with problems with learning from secondary school in Brodno, Warsaw, Poland (2002-2003).
Presentation during the European Space Expo in Warsaw titled: “Making maps for astronauts during MARS2013 Analog Field Simulation” (2013).
Lecture at the Kuffner-Observatory, Vienna, Austria, titled "Impact craters: importance, formation and recognition" (2013).
Lecture at the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien for the students of the Polish University of the Third Age in Vienna titled: “Meteorites and the Solar System” (2012).
Lecture for university students titled “Planetary Geology” (2010) Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University.
Popular science articles
“Na Tytanie pada deszcz” – It is raining on Titan (01.06.2014): Tygodnik Powszechny.
“Co się stało z marsjańską wodą” – What happened to Martian water (04.12.2013): Tygodnik Powszechny.
“Dziesiąte urodziny misji Mars Express” – Tenth anniversary of the Mars Express mission (26.07.2013): AstroNautilus.
“Mars 2013 – kosmiczne manewry” – The MARS2013 – space maneuvers (05.03.2013): Tygodnik Powszechny.
“Zagrożenie z kosmosu” – The Danger from the Sky (25.02.2013): Przegląd.
“Prawdziwy koniec swiata” – The real end of the world (01.12. 2012): Polonika.
„Dlaczego badamy Marsa?” – Why should we study Mars? (01.09.2012): AstroNautilus.
„Metryka Ukryta w Kraterze” – Dating planetary surfaces (01.05.2012): Wiedza i Zycie.
Movies and TV
Interview for the Polish popular science TV program “Horyzont Zdarzeń” concerning geology of Mars.
“Le secret du lac Karakul” – The secret of lake Karakul – movie from the field research in Tajikistan (26 minutes) – cooperated on the creation of the movie, served as a translator (Russian) and gave an interview on scientific issues related to the Karakul crater. Introductory clip is available at:
Translated a witness account from Russian to English for the “Meteorite Russe Les Lecons de Limpact Celeste” in the Ciel&Espace April 2013.
Contributed to the article: “Śmierć i zmartwychwstanie Marsa” (The death and the resurrection of Mars) by the Wojciech Brzeziński, (14.04.2013): Tygodnik Powszechny.
Contributed to the article: “Czerwień, błękit, zieleń” (Red, blue, green) by the Wojciech Brzeziński, (14.04.2013): Tygodnik Powszechny.