IGS PAS Kraków Research Centre


Address: Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN 
                 Ośrodek Badawczy w Krakowie
                 (Institute of Geological Sciences, Research Centre in Kraków)
                 Senacka 1, 31-002 Kraków, POLAND 

Phone (switchboard):  (+48) 12 37 05 200 ; 12 422 19 10 ; 422 89 20

Phone (secretary): (+48) 12 37 05 233; 422 16 09
Fax: (+48) 12 422 16 09 
e-mail:  sekretariat@ingpan.krakow.pl 


Scientific activities of the Research Centre in Kraków, include mainly sedimentology, clay mineralogy, structural geology and stratigraphy. Sedimentological investigations are focused on Carboniferous and Miocene foredeep basins in southern Poland and on modern fluvial systems. Mineralogical research involves reconstruction of diagenetic and thermal histories of sedimentary basins, with particular emphasis given to methodological advances. Tectonic and stratigraphic research is carried out in the Carpathians, polar regions and in Vietnam. Biostratigraphic work is focused on Mesozoic micropalaeontology and Palaeozoic-Tertiary palynology. Geological museum at the Research Centre in Kraków posses valuable collections of fossils and minerals and has the exhibition "Geology of the Krakow Region" on a permanent display.

Location of the centre