MSc. Maciej Jaranowski



Position:  Research Assistant

Institute of Geological Sciences
Polish Academy of Sciences
Research Centre in Kraków
Senacka 1, 31-002 Kraków, Poland



Research interests:

Experimental mineralogy/petrology; metamorphic and igneous petrology; geochemistry; geochronology; distribution of REE in fluorapatite; stability relations of REE bearing phases; crystallography


Professional career

since 12.2020 - Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences: Research Assistant PetroGen Research Group

09.2020-12.2020 - Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences: Technician



2020 - M.Sc. degree

Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, AGH-University of Science and Technology, Kraków 
M.Sc. thesis: "Dystrybucja pierwiastków ziem rzadkich w strukturze fluorapatytu na przykładach naturalnych kryształów" ("Distribution of rare earth elements in fluorapatite structure based on natural crystals ")
Supervisors: Dr hab. Bartosz Budzyń, Dr hab. Grzegorz Rzepa  

2019 - B.Sc. degree

Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, AGH-University of Science and Technology, Kraków 
B.Sc. thesis: "Badanie mineralogiczno–petrograficzne głazów w konstrukcjach megalitycznych kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Wietrzychowicach, gmina Izbica Kujawska" (Mineralogical-petrographic study of boulders in megalithic constructions of the Funnelbeaker culture in Wietrzychowice, Izbica Kujawska ")
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maciej Pawlikowski


2020 - The Mineralogical Society of Poland Award for the best M.Sc. thesis in the Mineralogical Sciences in 2020

2020 - Special recognition in XXIIth edition of "DIamenty AGH" competition for the best thesis in the category of the best theoretical thesis


  • The Mineralogical Society of Poland (since 2019)

Research projects

  • Submicron-scale constraints on a zircon growth and alteration under ultrahigh pressure, eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions, 2023-05-21­ - 2023-11-28,  H2020 EXCITE project grant EXCITE_C3_2023_02 (18 750 EUR), Primary Investigator




  • Jaranowski, M., Budzyń, B., Barnes, C.J., Majka, J., Sláma, J., Kozub-Budzyń, G.A., Kośmińska K., 2023 U–Pb and trace element zircon and apatite petrochronology of eclogites from the Scandinavian Caledonides. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178, 47.
  • Jaranowski M., Budzyń B., Rzepa G., Sláma J., Sawłowicz Z., 2021. Geochemical constraints on the distribution of trace elements and volatiles in fluorapatite from the Panasqueira tin-tungsten deposit (Portugal). Geochemistry, 125765, doi: 10.1016/j.chemer.2021.125765
  • Pawlikowski, M., Jaranowski, M., Papiernik, P.,  2020. Study on boulders of megalith 3 at the Wietrzychowice site (Central Poland). Acta Geographica Lodziensia 110, 137-147.


  • Jaranowski M., Budzyń, B., Barnes Ch., Majka J., Sláma, J., Kozub-Budzyń, G. A., Kośmińska K. (2023). Apatite and zircon petrochronological constraints on the metamorphic evolution of eclogites from the Scandinavian Caledonides. 9th Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Poland (PTMin 2023 conference), 19–22 Oct 2023 - poster

  • Jaranowski, M., Budzyń, B., Sláma, J., Kozub-Budzyń, G. A., Wirth, R., Klomínský, J.: Stability relations of FEE-bearing accessory phases in the cancrinite-bearing nepheline syenite from the Čistá pluton (Czech Republic). 3rd European Mineralogical Conference EMC2020, online, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2021.

  • Jaranowski, M., Budzyń, B., Kozub-Budzyń, G. A., Sláma, J., and Klomínský, J.: Stability relations of monazite-(Ce), gadolinite-(Ce), gadolinite-(Y), britholite-(Ce) and bastnäsite-(Ce) during late- to post-magmatic processes in nepheline syenite (Čistá pluton, Czech Republic), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-820,, 2021.

  • Jaranowski, M., Budzyń, B., Rzepa, G., Sláma, J., Sawłowicz, Z., 2020. Rare earth elements distribution vs. crystallographic orientation in fluorapatite. XXI International Conference of Young Geologists, Niedzica, 5-7.11.2020r. (online)
  • Jaranowski, M., Budzyń, B., Rzepa, G., Kozub-Budzyń, G., Sláma, J., Sawłowicz, Z., 2019. Składniki lotne w strukturze fluorapatytu – wstępne wyniki badań wybranych kryształów naturalny. 60. Studencka Konferencja Naukowa Pionu Górniczego, sekcja Geologia, Kraków, 05.12.2019r.